选用两个玉米自交系Mo17 (抗旱性强)和B73 (抗旱性弱) 为试验材料, 采用盆栽控水试验, 设置干旱处理 (土壤含水量为25 %~35 %) 和正常浇水 (土壤含水量为70 %~80 %) , 研究了干旱胁迫对2个玉米品种三叶期的幼苗叶面蜡质含量及成分变化的影响。结果表明, 在干旱处理条件下,Mo17和B73 的叶片失水率和叶绿素的抽提率都要正常条件低。二者叶面的蜡质含量都要明显比正常条件下的蜡质含量高,且Mo17不管是在正常和干旱条件下也表明蜡质含量都要比B73含量高。此外,在干旱条件下,蜡质合成相关的基因KCS,CER1,CER2, GL1, GL2和GL15)的表达也明显增高。这些结果表明,玉米叶片表面蜡质的合成是应答干旱胁迫的一种重要方式,而抗旱品种Mo17的抗旱性比B73要强,其表面蜡质的合成更强则是其中的一个重要原因。
Using two maize inbred line Mo17 (drought resistant) and B73 (drought sensitive) as the test materials, we studied changes of leaf wax content and composition of maize seedlings under drought (25 %~35 % of soil moisture) and normal water (70 %~80 % of soil moisture). conditions. The results showed that leaf water loss rate and extracted chlorophylls rate of Mo17 and B73 under drought condition are lower than that of Mo17 and B73 under normal condition. Leaf wax content of Mo17 and B73 under drought condition are higher than that of Mo17 and B73 under normal condition. In addition, expression of wax synthesis related genes(KCS, CER1, CER2, GL1, GL2 and GL15) also increased under drought condition. These results suggest that the synthesis of maize leaf wax is an important way in response to drought stress . The drought resistance of Mo17 is stronger than that of B7. The main reason is that the ability of wax synthesis was stronger than that of B73