Plant Physiol:中国水稻研究所曾大力研究组发表水稻失水遗传机理
中国水稻研究所水稻功能基因组学创新团队最新研究发现,水稻的失水状况受遗传控制,失水基因的克隆有利于耐旱新品种的培育。8月5日,植物领域权威期刊《植物生理学(Plant Physiology)》在线发表了这一研究成果。饶玉春博士、杨窑龙博士和徐杰博士为共同第一作者,曾大力研究员为通讯作者。该研究得到了国家自然科学基金委和国家转基因专项的资助。
水分散失过快通常会使植物承受干旱胁迫,进而引起植物的早衰。研究人员利用一个苗期叶片边缘就开始发白、枯萎的早衰突变体early senescence 1(es1),借助图位克隆手段分离了ES1基因,该基因编码一个类SCAR蛋白,是SCAR/WAVE复合体的一个重要组份。
EARLY SENESCENCE 1 Encodes a SCAR-like Protein2 that Affects Water Loss in RICE
The global problem of drought threatens agricultural production and constrains the development of sustainable agricultural practices. In plants, excessive water loss causes drought stress and induces early senescence. In this study, we isolated a rice (Oryza sativa) mutant, designated as early senescence 1 (es1), which exhibits early leaf senescence. The es1-1 leaves undergo water loss at the seedling stage (as reflected by whitening of the leaf margin and wilting) and display early senescence at the three-leaf stage. We used map-based cloning to identify ES1, which encodes a SCAR-like protein 2, a component of the SCAR/WAVE complex involved in actin polymerization and function. The es1-1 mutants exhibited significantly higher stomatal density. This resulted in excessive water loss and accelerated water flow in es1-1, also enhancing the water absorption capacity of the roots and water transport capacity of the stems, as well as promoting in vivo enrichment of metal ions co-transported with water. Expression of ES1 is higher in the leaves and leaf sheaths than in other tissues, consistent with its role in controlling water loss from leaves. GFP-ES1 fusion proteins were ubiquitously distributed in the cytoplasm of Plant Cells. Collectively, our data suggest that ES1 is important for regulating water loss in rice.