New Phytologist:浙江大学农学院马忠华教授课题组发表小麦赤霉病

摘要 : 由于气候和耕作制度的变化,赤霉病在我国呈加重发生趋势,近五年年均发病面积8200万亩,占小麦种植面积的1/4,严重威胁小麦安全生产。


浙江大学生物技术研究所马忠华教授课题组系统解析了赤霉病菌中82个磷酸酶的生物学功能,鉴定出调控病菌生长发育、致病及毒素合成的重要磷酸酶,为新药靶的发掘提供科学依据。该研究结果以“亮点论文”发表在国际植物学领域权威期刊New Phytologist上,并被当期刊物作专题评述“The omics era of Fusarium graminearum: opportunities and challenges”。博士生云英子和刘尊勇为该论文共同第一作者,马忠华教授为通讯作者。该研究得到科技部973项目及国家自然科学基金项目的资助。

近年来,马忠华教授团队在赤霉病菌致病机理和抗药机制研究方面发表了一系列有影响的论文(New Phytologist 203:219-232, 206: 308-315; Environmental Microbiology doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12522, doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12711, 16: 2023-2037; Molecular Plant Pathology 16:1-13 封面论文),受到国内外同行的高度关注。


functional analysis of the Fusarium graminearum phosphatome



Phosphatases are known to play important roles in the regulation of various Cellular processes in eukaryotes. However, systematic characterization of the phosphatome has not been reported in phytopathogenic fungi.

The wheat scab fungus Fusarium graminearum contains 82 putative phosphatases. The BioLogical functions of each phosphatase were investigated in this study.

Although 11 phosphatase genes appeared to be essential, deletion mutants of the other 71 phosphatase genes were obtained and characterized for changes in 15 phenotypes, including vegetative growth, nutrient response and virulence. Overall, the deletion of 63 phosphatase genes resulted in changes in at least one of the phenotypes assayed. Interestingly, the deletion of four genes (Fg06297, Fg03333, Fg03826 and Fg07932) did not dramatically affect hyphal growth, but led to strongly reduced virulence. Western blot analyses showed that three phosphatases (Fg10516, Fg03333 and Fg12867) functioned as negative regulators of the mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways. In addition, we found, for the first time, that FgCdc14 is dispensable for growth, but plays an important role in ribosome biogenesis.

Overall, in this first functional characterization of the fungal phosphatome, phosphatases important for various aspects of hyphal growth, development, plant infection and secondary metabolism were identified in the phytopathogenic fungus F. graminearum.

