采用田间试验的方法,研究了磷肥施用量相同(P2O5140kg/hm2)的条件下,磷肥不同施用时期及分配比例对吉林省西部超高产玉米产量及磷素吸收积累的影响。结果表明:不同施磷方式对吉林省西部超高产玉米产量和磷素吸收积累量有一定影响。总施磷量一定的条件下,在玉米生育后期追施磷肥可有效提高产量,其中拔节期和喇叭口期均追肥的P6处理产量达到13706 kg/hm2,较一次性基施的P1处理高0.82%,差异不明显。产量高的处理不同生育期各器官磷素积累量也相对较高,产量最高的P6处理收获时期植株磷素吸收积累量为126.4kg/hm2,高于其余各处理。从成熟期玉米植株磷素含量分配比例来看,最高产量处理籽粒磷素含量相比于其它处理所占比例较低,P6处理收获时期籽粒中磷素含量占植株总磷素含量的68.99%,其它处理均超过70%。最高产量处理除籽粒外其余各器官磷素含量所占比例均较高。本试验条件下,在玉米生育后期追施磷肥的施磷方式可有效提高玉米产量,但相对于磷肥一次性基施的方式差异不显著,考虑到两次追肥人力物力资源较为浪费,综合各方面因素建议采用磷肥一次性基施的施磷方式。
A field experiment was conducted to study under the same conditions of phosphate fertilizer application time and ratio of different fertilizer on maize of super high yield and phosphorus absorption Accumulation in western part of Jilin Province. As we can see: Different ways of phosphorus Super high-yield corn in western Jilin Province have effects on maize yield and the accumulation of phosphorus. When the total amount of phosphorus is fixed, chasing P fertilizer can effectively improves the production in late corn breeding, P6 process which yields jointing and trumpet stage were dressing reaches 13706 kg / hm2, compared with one-time process-based application P1 high 0.82%, no significant difference. Each organ accumulation of phosphorus processing high yield at different growth stages is relatively high, The highest yield of P6 was 126.4kg/hm2, which was higher than the other treatments. From the point of view of maturity of maize plant phosphorus element content distribution ratio, the highest yield processing phosphorus content of grain at a relatively low proportion of other treatments, compared, P6 processing harvest period of phosphorus in grain element content accounted for phosphorus content of 68.99%, other treatments was higher than 70%. From the experiment, ways to chase P fertilizer phosphorus can improve corn production in the late growth of corn, but relative to the phosphate one-time basal way of no significant difference, considering the two fertilizer resources more waste of resources, we are recommended to take disposable basal application of fertilizer phosphorus way integrated in all aspects factors.