
摘要 : 夏日的午后总是让人昏昏欲睡,这是为什么呢?Leicester大学的科学家们发现了一个感知气温的基因,向人们展示了环境温度和天气状况对基因活性的影响。这项研究发表在六月二十八日的美国国家科学院院PNAS杂志上。





“我们知道TrpA1基因在果蝇生物钟所在的大脑区域中表达。不过,在这些细胞中去除TrpA1并没有影响果蝇的午后活动,” Bambos Kyriacou大学的Bambos Kyriacou教授说。“当我们在其他神经元中去除TrpA1表达时,果蝇的午后活动才收到干扰。我们在此基础上定位了一个细胞亚群。”



原文标题::Drosophila circADIan rhythms in seminatural environments: Summer afternoon component is not an artifact and requires TrpA1 channels

Under standard laboratory conditions of rectangular light/dark cycles and constant warm temperature,Drosophila melanogaster show bursts of morning (M) and evening (E) locomotor activity and a “siesta” in the middle of the day. These M and E components have been critical for developing the neuronal dual oscillator model in which clock gene expression in key cells generates the circadian phenotype. However, under natural European summer conditions of cycling temperature and light intensity, an additional prominent afternoon (A) component that replaces the siesta is observed. This component has been described as an “artifact” of the TriKinetics locomotor monitoring system that is used by many circadian laboratories world wide. Using video recordings, we show that the A component is not an artifact, neither in the glass tubes used in TriKinetics monitors nor in open-field arenas. By studying various mutants in the visual and peripheral and internal thermo-sensitive pathways, we reveal that the M component is predominantly dependent on visual input, whereas the A component requires the internal thermo-sensitive channel transient receptor potential A1 (TrpA1). Knockdown of TrpA1 in different neuronal groups reveals that the reported expression of TrpA1 in clock neurons is unlikely to be involved in generating the summer locomotor profile, suggesting that other TrpA1 neurons are responsible for the A component. Studies of circadian rhythms under seminatural conditions therefore provide additional insights into the molecular basis of circadian entrainment that would otherwise be lost under the usual standard laboratory protocols.

