Fungal Ecology:中科院版纳植物园揭示亚热带山地森林附生地衣物

摘要 : 地衣(又称地衣型真菌)作为菌藻共生的特殊生物类群,是森林林冠亚系统的重要组成成分,在森林系统中发挥着重要的生态功能。



相关研究结果以Species richness and vertical stratification of epiphytic lichens in subtropical primary and secondary forests in southwest China 为题发表于国际真菌学学术期刊Fungal Ecology(2015,17:30–40)。

该研究得到国家自然科学基金项目(31400384,U1133605, 41471050)、中科院“西部之光”及中科院“135”专项(XTBG-F01)资助。




Species richness and vertical stratification of epiphytic lichens in subtropical primary and secondary forests in southwest China


An entire-tree investigation was conducted in two primary and three secondary forest types in the subtropical Ailao Mountains of southwest China to determine whether species richness and vertical stratification of epiphytic lichens responded to forest type and host attributes. Lichen species number, composition and cover differed significantly among forest types and tree species, while tree diameter and tree height had a modest influence. Epiphytic lichen species and functional groups showed clear vertical stratification. Epiphytic lichens were richer in canopies than on trunks and exhibited a great preference for the intermediate zones of trees, while five lichen groups showed distinct vertical diversification. The stratification patterns are clearly related to forest type and may reflect the microclimatic requirements of individual species, e.g. light availability and humidity.


