
通过对102国道吉林段两侧农田距公路不同距离,不同时期及不同深度耕层土壤中铅含量的分析结果表明,102国道两侧土壤铅含量范围在12mg/kg-51mg/kg之间,铅的单项污染指数未超过1,属清洁水平;土壤中铅含量横向上垂直于102国道两侧呈0m>50m>100m的变化趋势,国道右侧含量高于左侧,沿102国道自南向北呈四平段>公主岭段>长春段>德惠段>扶余段的变化趋势;不同时期土壤中铅含量呈播种前>抽雄期>灌浆期>成熟期的变化趋势,年际间呈第一年春季高、秋季低,第二年春季高的“V”字型变化趋势;不同深度耕层土壤中铅含量无显著差异,随着生育进程有减少的趋势。 英文摘要: The results of the research of lead content of soil from different distances, different periods and different depth beside the national highway 102 of Jilin province section of the farmland showed that the lead content of national road 102 on both sides of the soil range from 12 mg/kg to 51 mg/kg. The single pollution index of lead was more than 1 which was belong to the cleanness level. The change trend of lead content in the soil on the lateral perpendicular to the national road 102 on both sides was 0m> 50m>100m. The national road on the right side content was higher than that of the left. Along the 102 national highway from south to north, the change trend was Siping > GongZhuling> Changchun > Dehui> Fuyu. The change trend of lead content in the soil at different periods was before the seeding > tasseling stage > milking stage >mature stage. The interannual change trend was "V" type which the first year in the spring was high, autumn was low and in the second year of the spring was high. There was no significant difference between the lead content in arable layer soil of different depth which has a tendency to reduce with the reproductive process.