TGF-β/Nodal信号在脊椎动物原肠期胚层诱导过程中发挥着重要作用,但是Nodal/Smad2的协同转录因子有哪些,可以调控哪些靶基因的时空表达还不清楚。中国科学院动物研究所王强研究组通过ChIP-chip技术,发现在原肠胚早期,Smad2可以结合在679个基因的启动子或增强子区,调控其表达。通过分析Smad2结合区域的其他转录因子保守的结合序列的出现频率,他们鉴定了一批潜在的Smad2的共转录因子,其中就包括染色质重塑蛋白BPTF (Bromodomain PHD-finger Transcription Factor)(J Biol Chem. 2011, 286: 28520-28532)。
以上研究成果于2015年6月在美国神经学会旗舰杂志Journal of Neuroscience 发表。该论文第一作者是中科院动物所博士研究生马渊卿,通讯作者为中科院动物所研究员王强和清华大学教授、中科院院士孟安明。该研究由中科院干细胞与再生医学先导项目、科技部“973”项目和国家自然科学基金委资助。
During vertebrate embryogenesis, the neuroectoderm is induced from dorsal ectoderm and then partitioned into anterior and posterior neuroectodermal domains by posteriorizing signals, such as Wnt and fibroblast growth factor. However, little is known about epigenetic regulation of posteriorizing gene expression. Here, we report a requirement of the chromatin remodeling protein Bptf for neuroectodermal posteriorization in zebrafish embryos. Knockdown of bptf leads to an expansion of the anterior neuroectoderm at the expense of the posterior ectoderm. Bptf functionally and physically interacts with p-Smad2, which is activated by non-Nodal TGF-β signaling, to promote the expression of wnt8a, a critical gene for neural posteriorization. Bptf and Smad2 directly bind to and activate the wnt8a promoter through recruiting NURF remodeling complex. Whenbptf function or TGF-β signal transduction is inhibited, the nucleosome density on the wnt8a promoter is increased. We propose that Bptf and TGF-β/Smad2 mediate nucleosome remodeling to regulate wnt8aexpression and hence neural posteriorization.