而在本月早些时候,芝加哥大学的Yoav Gilad在推特(Twitter)上对这些研究结果提出了质疑。在大约12条不超过140 个字符的推特博文中,Gilad提出发布在PNAS的研究结果是异常的——这是由于一些组织样品按不同的批次进行测序所导致。如果消除这种“批次效应”,小鼠和人类组织则会以一种组织特异性方式聚类,由此证实了以往的一些结果,而不再支持小鼠ENCODE研究团队的结论。
5月19日,在f1000 Research期刊发布的一篇论文稿中,Gilad和合著者Orna Mizrahi-Man详细描述了他们重新分析小鼠ENCODE数据得出这一不同结论的过程。研究人员获得了来自小鼠ENCODE研究小组的原始数据、分析程序和其他的细节。随后他们提取了有关每个样本测序时间及测序方式的信息,将人类和小鼠组织与测序通道(lanes)匹配起来。Gilad和Mizrahi-Man发现,大多数样本都是根据物种聚类分批进行的测序;小鼠组织在一个批次进行测序,人类组织在另一个批次进行测序。在5个测序批次中只有一个批次包含了来自人类和小鼠两个物种的组织。
约翰霍普金斯大学计算生物学家Steven Salzberg(未参与研究工作)认为这次重新分析 “全面、仔细……且真的非常具有说服力。”
和Salzberg一样,有几个研究人员在推特上对Gilad和Mizrahi-Man重新分析的结果表达了惊喜。对许多人而言,这些最新的结果呼应了他们自身对去年发布的这些结果产生的怀疑。譬如,Gladstone研究所的心血管研究人员Benoit Bruneau就写道:“我终于感到轻松了。这些论文曾让我感到困惑。现在我知道了原因为何。”
原文标题:Comparison of the transcriptional landscapes between human and mouse tissues
原文摘要:Although the similarities between humans and mice are typically highlighted, morphologically and genetically, there are many differences. To better understand these two species on a molecular level, we performed a comparison of the expression profiles of 15 tissues by deep RNA sequencing and examined the similarities and differences in the transcriptome for both protein-coding and -noncoding transcripts. Although commonalities are evident in the expression of tissue-specific genes between the two species, the expression for many sets of genes was found to be more similar in different tissues within the same species than between species. These findings were further corroborated by associated epigenetic histone mark analyses. We also find that many noncoding transcripts are expressed at a low level and are not detectable at appreciable levels across individuals. Moreover, the majority lack obvious sequence homologs between species, even when we restrict our attention to those which are most highly reproducible across biological replicates. Overall, our results indicate that there is considerable RNA expression diversity between humans and mice, well beyond what was described previously, likely reflecting the fundamental physiological differences between these two organisms.