
摘要 : 近期,浙江省农业院和深圳华大基因、象山县浙东白鹅研究所以及哥本哈根大学等处的研究人员,宣布完成了鹅全基因组序列图谱绘制工作,这是全世界首个鹅全基因组序列图谱。相关研究结果发表在国际著名学术期刊《Genome Biology》。

近期,浙江省农业院和深圳华大基因、象山县浙东白鹅研究所以及哥本哈根大学等处的研究人员,宣布完成了鹅全基因组序列图谱绘制工作,这是全世界首个鹅全基因组序列图谱,这一研究成果对于揭示家鹅繁殖、抗逆、生长、肉质、羽色等性状的遗传基础,鹅的驯化、不同鹅种的生物学分类、中国家鹅的起源、优良鹅种的选育等具有重要的科学价值。相关研究结果发表在国际著名学术期刊《Genome biology》。本文通讯作者分别为浙江省农科院畜牧兽医研究所的李进军博士和华大基因CEO王俊研究员。延伸阅读:华大基因参与绘制猪鞭虫基因组图谱。



为了确定鹅的特殊特性,该研究团队测定并分析了鹅全基因组序列。研究人员用Illumina HiSeq-2000测序仪,通过鸟枪法测序,获得了鸿雁(Anser cygnoides)的全基因组序列草图,并对16,150个蛋白编码基因进行了预测。比较基因组学研究表明,鹅和其他陆生鸟类的基因组之间存在重大差异,尤其是关于主要组织相容性复合体、粘病毒抗性、视黄酸诱导记忆I和与鹅抗病相关的其他基因。



原文标题:The goose genome sequence leads to insights into the evolution of waterfowl and susceptibility to fatty liver


Geese were domesticated over 6,000 years ago, making them one of the first domesticated poultry. Geese are capable of rapid growth, disease resistance, and high liver lipid storage capacity, and can be easily fed coarse fodder. Here, we sequence and analyze the whole-genome sequence of an economically important goose breed in China and compare it with that of terrestrial bird species.


A draft sequence of the whole-goose genome was obtained by shotgun sequencing, and 16,150 protein-coding genes were predicted. Comparative genomics indicate that significant differences occur between the goose genome and that of other terrestrial bird species, particularly regarding major histocompatibility complex, Myxovirus resistance, Retinoic acid-inducible gene I, and other genes related to disease resistance in geese. In addition, analysis of transcriptome data further reveals a potential molecular mechanism involved in the susceptibility of geese to fatty liver disease and its associated symptoms, including high levels of unsaturated fatty acids and low levels of cholesterol. The results of this study show that deletion of the goose lep gene might be the result of positive selection, thus allowing the liver to adopt energy storage mechanisms for long-distance migration.


This is the first report describing the complete goose genome sequence and contributes to genomic resources available for studying aquatic birds. The findings in this study are useful not only for genetic breeding programs, but also for studying lipid metabolism disorders.

