

中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所唐定中课题组利用拟南芥与白粉菌互作的研究体系,通过生化、遗传学和细胞学手段,克隆了拟南芥EDR4基因,解析了EDR4参与植物免疫的分子机制。通过突变体筛选,发现EDR4功能缺失导致植物白粉病抗性增强,抗性相关基因激活,水杨酸高度积累。精细的亚细胞定位结果表明EDR4蛋白定位于细胞质膜、早胞体/反式高尔基体、高尔基体和晚胞体,并在胞内不断发生动态变化。遗传学分析表明EDR4与负调控MAPK级联信号通路的EDR1处于相同的遗传通路中,edr4突变体的抗性表型也依赖于水杨酸信号通路及MAPK级联信号通路。细胞生物学分析发现EDR1和EDR4在叶表皮细胞白粉菌侵入处发生聚集,并且EDR1和EDR4蛋白直接互作;此外,EDR4 还与介导内吞的网格蛋白重链亚基CHC2互作,而EDR4和CHC2的功能缺失均影响EDR1在白粉菌侵染处聚集。与CHC2类似,EDR4功能缺失使植物内吞作用出现缺陷。这项工作揭示了EDR4调控植物抗病反应的作用机制,暗示EDR4可能作为衔接蛋白与网格蛋白形成复合体参与内吞作用,而EDR1可能是EDR4介导的内吞作用所运输的货物。EDR4通过调控EDR1的亚细胞定位影响植物的先天免疫反应。这项工作揭示了植物内吞参与先天免疫反应的机制,对于人们深入理解植物与病原菌互作的分子机理具有重要意义。

该研究结果于3月6日在The Plant Cell上在线发表(DOI:10.1105/tpc.114.134668)。唐定中课题组的武广珩为该论文的第一作者。该研究得到中科院战略性先导专项(B类)、科技部和自然科学基金委的资助。(来源:中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所 )

ENHANCED DISEASE RESISTANCE4 Associates with CLATHRIN HEAVY CHAIN2 and Modulates Plant Immunity by Regulating Relocation of EDR1 in Arabidopsis

Abstract Obligate biotrophs, such as the powdery mildew pathogens, deliver effectors to the host cell and obtain nutrients from the infection site. The interface between the plant host and the biotrophic pathogen thus represents a major battleground for plant-pathogen interactions. Increasing evidence shows that cellular trafficking plays an important role in plant immunity. Here, we report that Arabidopsis thaliana ENHANCED DISEASE RESISTANCE4 (EDR4) plays a negative role in resistance to powdery mildew and that the enhanced disease resistance in edr4 mutants requires salicylic acid signaling. EDR4 mainly localizes to the plasma membrane and endosomal compartments. Genetic analyses show that EDR4 and EDR1 function in the same genetic pathway. EDR1 and EDR4 accumulate at the penetration site of powdery mildew infection, and EDR4 physically interacts with EDR1, recruiting EDR1 to the fungal penetration site. In addition, EDR4 interacts with CLATHRIN HEAVY CHAIN2 (CHC2), and edr4 mutants show reduced endocytosis rates. Taken together, our data indicate that EDR4 associates with CHC2 and modulates plant immunity by regulating the relocation of EDR1 in Arabidopsis.

