植物细胞质雄性不育(CMS)主要是由核基因组和细胞质基因组不协调所导致。作为遗传育种的有力工具, 细胞质雄性不育对于杂种优势的利用十分重要。长期以来对CMS机理的研究却远滞后于对CMS的利用。本文从嵌合ORF、线粒体功能缺陷、细胞程序性死亡以及MADS-box基因的功能等几个方面综述植物细胞质雄性不育分子机制的研究进展, 为进一步探索其机制提供参考。
Cytoplasmic male sterility(CMS) in plant is responsible for genome barriers between nuclei and mitochondria. As a powerful tool for genetic breeding, CMS plays an important role in utilization of heterosis. For a long time, the study on the mechanism of CMS is far lagging behind in the use of CMS. The research progress on cytoplasmic male sterility in plant was reviewed in the aspects of chimeric ORF, mitochondrial function defect, PCD and the function of MADS-box gene. This review provided theoretical reference for further studies on the mechanism of CMS.