以陕A、B群体培育的23份玉米自交系和8个骨干玉米自交系为材料, 利用2 846个高质量SNP标记, 进行群体遗传结构、遗传多样性和类群间遗传关系分析。结果表明, 陕A群体选系的多态性位点2 482个, 陕B群体选系的多态性位点2 490个, 说明陕A、B群自交系间遗传基础广泛。通过PCA分析, 陕A、B群体培育的23份玉米自交系可分为2个部分, 陕A群选育的自交系更接近于丹340、郑58、掖478、PH6WC, 可归为一类杂种优势群;陕B群选育的自交系更接近于Mo17、黄早四、昌7、PH4CV, 可归为另一类杂种优势群。
Based on 2 846 SNP markers, the population genetic structure, genetic diversity and genetic relationship between 23 maize inbred lines from Shaan A group and Shaan B group were evaluated with eight elite inbred lines as a control. The results showed that there were 2 482 polymorphism SNP in Shaan A and 2 490 in Shaan B, both of Shaan A and Shaan B had keeping relatively wide genetic basis basing the same standard of choosing; based on the previous research and PCA analysis, inbred lines from shaan A and B populations can be divided into two groups. Inbred lines from Shaan A with four inbred lines(Dan340, Ye478, Zheng58 and PH6WC) belong to one group, and inbred lines from Shaan B population with the other four lines(Mo17, HZS, Chang7 and PH4CV) belong to another group.