序号 |
项目名称 |
中方申请人 |
依托单位 |
英方申请人 |
英方依托单位 |
1 |
A Hybrid top-down bottom-up Approach to understanding Sources of Pollution to deliver Clean Air in Beijing (HASPCAB) |
白志鹏 |
中国环境科学研究院 |
Anil Namdeo |
Newcastle University (NU) |
2 |
Sources, Emissions, Fluxes and Receptor Modelling of Air Pollutants in Beijing |
贺克斌 |
清华大学 |
Roy Harrison |
University of Birmingham/NCAS |
3 |
An Integrated Study of Air Pollution PROcesses in Beijing (AIRPRO) |
傅平青 |
中科院大气物理研究所 |
Alastair Lewis |
NCAS/York |
4 |
Interventions and solutions to improve air quality and public health in Beijing |
王自发 |
中科院大气物理研究所 |
Martin Williams |
King’s |
5 |
Interventions and solutions for harmful emissions from transportation, industry and domestic in Beijing using preventative, in-process-treatment and after-treatment technologies |
谭春青 |
中国科学院 |
Yaodong Wang |
Newcastle University (NU) |
6 |
Integrated assessment of the emission-health-socioeconomics nexus in Chinese megacities (INHANCE) |
陶澍 |
北京大学 |
Dabo Guan |
University of East Anglia |
7 |
Impact of atmospheric fine Particle exposure on Acute Cardiovascular Events: monitoring, modelling and mechanism (PACE) |
范中杰 |
北京协和医院 |
MN Routledge |
University of Leeds |
8 |
Adverse human health effects from Beijing’s air pollution catastrophe |
詹祥江 |
中科院动物研究所 |
Kelly BéruBé |
Cardiff Uni. |
9 |
Air Pollution Impacts on Cardiopulmonary Disease in a Chinese Megacity (APIC) |
孙志伟 |
首都医科大学 |
Miranda Loh |
10 |
Atmospheric pollution and human health in Beijing: causal relationships and underlying mechanisms |
刘静 |
首都医科大学 |
Giles Wiggs |
University of Oxford |
11 |
Identifying the mechanisms for the effects of air pollution on cardiopulmonary disease (Project 2) |
赵美萍 |
北京大学 |
Majid Ezzati |
Imperial College London |
12 |
Identifying the mechanisms for the effects of air pollution on cardiopulmonary disease (Project 1) |
朱彤 |
北京大学 |
Frank Kelly |
King’s College London |
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