
摘要 : 中科院华南植物园吴国江研究员团队联合国内多家单位完成了麻疯树全基因组测序和组装

The plant JouRNAl:中科院华南植物园吴国江研究员团队联合国内多家单位完成了麻疯树全基因组测序和组装,组装基因组大小为320.5 Mbp,在基因组中共发现了27,172个蛋白编码基因。另外,研究人员构建了以麻疯树为母本,同属植物日日樱(J. integerrima)为父本的BC1群体,构建了由1,208个分子标记组成的高密度遗传图谱,并将81.7%的基因组序列锚定到11条染色体上。麻疯树和蓖麻基因组在物种进化中有多个基因家族进行了特异扩增和收缩,包括油脂合成途径基因和核糖体失活蛋白(RIP)基因等。此基因组序列和遗传图谱为麻疯树基础研究和分子育种提供了重要信息。

该研究成果近日在线发表在国际学术期刊The Plant Journal(DOI: 10.1111/tpj.12761)上。研究得到国家“973”计划项目、中科院知识创新工程重要方向项目、国家自然科学基金等资助。

Integrated genome sequence and linkage map of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.), a biodiesel plant

The family Euphorbiaceae includes some of the most efficient biomass accumulators. Whole genome sequencing and the development of genetic maps of these species are important components in molecular breeding and genetic improvement. Here we report the draft genome of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.), a biodiesel plant. The assembled genome has a total length of 320.5 Mbp and contains 27 172 putative protein-coding genes. We established a linkage map containing 1208 markers and anchored the genome assembly (81.7%) to this map to produce 11 pseudochromosomes. After gene family clustering, 15 268 families were identified, of which 13 887 existed in the castor bean genome. Analysis of the genome highlighted specific expansion and contraction of a number of gene families during the evolution of this species, including the ribosome-inactivating proteins and oil biosynthesis pathway enzymes. The genomic sequence and linkage map provide a valuable resource not only for fundamental and applied research on physic nut but also for evolutionary and comparative genomics analysis, particularly in the Euphorbiaceae.

