The Plant Cell:发现植物芽再生能力随年龄降低的分子机制

摘要 : 2月4日,The Plant Cell 杂志在线发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所王佳伟研究组题为An Intrinsic MicroRNA Timer Regulates Progressive Decline in Shoot Regenerative Capacity in Plants 的研究论文。该研究论文报道了植物芽再生能力随年龄降低的分子机制。

2月4日,The plant Cell 杂志在线发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所王佳伟研究组题为An Intrinsic MicroRNA Timer Regulates Progressive Decline in Shoot Regenerative Capacity in Plants 的研究论文。该研究论文报道了植物芽再生能力随年龄降低的分子机制。


从分子机制上看,随着植物年龄的增长,miR156的表达逐渐降低,导致了其靶基因SPL类转录因子含量的上升。SPL可以与细胞分裂素信号途径的关键转录因子B-type ARR结合,导致B-type ARR的转录激活活性受到抑制,呈现细胞分裂素的不敏感性,进而导致芽再生能力的下降。这一研究成果表明,年龄途径可以通过调控细胞分裂素的信号输出调控植物的再生能力,合理地解释了在组织培养过程中往往选取幼年期的材料作为外植体的原因。同时这一发现也提示,年龄可能是植物细胞全能性的一个重要调控因素,对提高植物再生成功率和保护濒危稀有树木具有潜在的应用价值。



原文链接:An Intrinsic MicroRNA Timer RegulatesProgressive Decline in Shoot RegenerativeCapacity in Plants

Plant cells are totipotent and competent to regenerate from differentiated organs. It has been shown that two phytohormones, auxin and cytokinin, play critical roles within this process. As in animals, the regenerative capacity declines with age inplants, but the molecular basis for this phenomenon remains elusive. Here, we demonstrate that an age-regulated microRNA, miR156, regulates shootregenerative capacity. As a plant ages, the gradual increase in miR156-targeted SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE (SPL) transcription factors leads to the progressive decline in shoot regenerative capacity. In old plants, SPL reducesshoot regenerative capacity by attenuating the cytokinin response through binding with the B-type ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATORs, which encode the transcriptional activators in the cytokinin signaling pathway. Consistently, theincreased amount of exogenous cytokinin complements the reduced shootregenerative capacity in old plants. Therefore, the recruitment of age cues inresponse to cytokinin contributes to shoot regenerative competence.(doi: http:/​/​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​1105/​tpc.​114.​135186)

作者:Tian-Qi Zhang
