

为此,中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所土壤物质循环学科组研究员韩晓增等人,于2013年在海伦农业国家生态试验站选用3种不同土地利用方式(始于1985年)处理:Ⅰ. 草地:草原化草甸植被自然恢复,主要群落有苔草(Cares sp.)、问荆(Equisetum arvense)、狗尾草(Leymus chinesis)等;Ⅱ. 裸地:植物生长季定期将植物地上部铲除,模拟无植被覆盖下黑土退化过程;Ⅲ. 农田:大豆、小麦和玉米轮作,不施肥。于1990年将农田设4个不同种植制度处理:1. 玉米连作处理;2. 大豆连作处理;3. 小麦连作处理;4. 玉米-大豆-小麦轮作处理。研究结果表明:长期不同的土地利用方式和种植制度会影响土壤中大豆根瘤菌的丰度和多样性。草地处理由于植被丰富,根瘤菌的多样性显著地高于其它处理,其中Bradyrhizobium sp. II只在草地处理中分离得到。除了大豆连作处理外,其它有大豆参与的处理均能显著的提高大豆根瘤菌的丰度和多样性。三种连作处理相比,大豆连作条件下Bradyrhizobium sp. I是优势种,而玉米和小麦连作条件下则是以Bradyrhizobium sp. III为优势种,表明作物种类对根瘤菌的种群具有一定的选择性。长期不同土地利用方式及种植制度主要是通过影响土壤的有机质含量(OC)、速效磷含量(AP)和pH值进而对大豆根瘤菌丰度和多样性产生影响。另外在生产实践中则需要对种植制度进行改变,一方面玉米-大豆-小麦轮作种植制度进行推广应用,避免出现玉米和大豆连作;另一方面要适当的进行农田撂荒或者休闲,只有这样才能保证土壤可持续利用。

该研究得到了国家自然科学基金的支持,研究成果发表在Applied Environmental Microbiology 上(Jun Yan, Xiaozeng Han, et al. 2014. Abundance and Diversity of Soybean-Nodulating Rhizobia in Black Soil Are Impacted by Land Use and Crop Management. Applied Environmental Microbiology. 80: 5394-5402)。(来源:中科院东北地理所)

Abundance and Diversity of Soybean-Nodulating Rhizobia in Black Soil Are Impacted by Land Use and Crop Management

Abstract To investigate the effects of land use and crop management on soybean rhizobial communities, 280 nodule isolates were trapped from 7 fields with different land use and culture histories. Besides the known Bradyrhizobium japonicum, three novel genospecies were isolated from these fields. Grassland (GL) maintained a higher diversity of soybean bradyrhizobia than the other cultivation systems. Two genospecies (Bradyrhizobium spp. I and III) were distributed widely in all treatments, while Bradyrhizobium sp. II was found only in GL treatment. Cultivation with soybeans increased the rhizobial abundance and diversity, except for the soybean monoculture (S-S) treatment. In monoculture systems, soybeans favored Bradyrhizobium sp. I, while maize and wheat favored Bradyrhizobium sp. III. Fertilization decreased the rhizobial diversity indexes but did not change the species composition. The organic carbon (OC) and available phosphorus (AP) contents and pH were the main soil parameters positively correlated with the distribution of Bradyrhizobium spp. I and II and Bradyrhizobium japonicum and negatively correlated with Bradyrhizobium sp. III. These results revealed that different land uses and crop management could not only alter the diversity and abundance of soybean rhizobia, but also change interactions between rhizobia and legume or nonlegume plants, which offered novel information about the biogeography of rhizobia.

