干细胞分化形成组织和器官,但目前尚不了解干细胞是否对于器官的形态建成仍有调控作用。经典的手术实验表明:在高等植物茎尖,侧生器官叶片的被-腹轴(又称近-远轴)极性建成受到茎尖干细胞调控(Sussex, 1951, Nature 167:651-652)。这个极性信号分子被称为Sussex信号(如图灰色箭头),但其化学本质和分子机理一直未能解析。
我国科学家之前的研究表明生长素运输对于叶片极性建成有调控作用(Ni et al., 1999, Cell Res. 9:27-35)。根据这一线索,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所焦雨铃课题组在拟南芥和番茄中通过荧光成像发现叶片原基中存在生长素浓度差异,近轴面(即叶片靠近茎尖一侧)生长素浓度较低。
原文标题:Auxin depletion from leaf primordia contributes to organ patterning
原文摘要:Stem cells are responsible for organogenesis, but it is largely unknown whether and how information from stem cells acts to direct organ patterning after organ primordia are formed. It has long been proposed that the stem cells at the plant shoot apex produce a signal, which promotes leaf adaxial-abaxial (dorsoventral) patterning. Here we show the existence of a transient low auxin zone in the adaxial domain of early leaf primordia. We also demonstrate that this adaxial low auxin domain contributes to leaf adaxial-abaxial patterning. The auxin signal is mediated by the auxin-responsive transcription factor MONOPTEROS (MP), whose constitutive activation in the adaxial domain promotes abaxial cell fate. Furthermore, we show that auxin flow from emerging leaf primordia to the shoot apical meristem establishes the low auxin zone, and that this auxin flow contributes to leaf polarity. Our results provide an explanation for the hypothetical meristem-derived leaf polarity signal. Opposite to the original proposal, instead of a signal derived from the meristem, we show that a signaling molecule is departing from the primordium to the meristem to promote robustness in leaf patterning.