
摘要 : for delaying insect resistance to transgenic Bt crops)的相关研究成果,这是该课题组继2012年揭示棉铃虫田间种群Bt抗性遗传多样性之后的又一重要进展。博生研究生金琳为该论文第一作者,吴益东教授为通讯作者


近日,南京农业大学植物保护学院吴益东教授课题组在棉铃虫对Bt棉花抗性研究方面取得重要进展。12月15日,国际权威刊物《自然生物技术》(Nature Biotechnology,IF=39.1)在线发表了题为《自然庇护所延缓昆虫对转基因Bt作物抗性的大规模数据检测》(Large-scale test of the natural refuge strategy

for delaying insect resistance to transgenic Bt crops)的相关研究成果,这是该课题组继2012年揭示棉铃虫田间种群Bt抗性遗传多样性之后的又一重要进展。博生研究生金琳为该论文第一作者,吴益东教授为通讯作者。

为了延缓害虫对转基因Bt抗虫作物抗性的产生,美国、澳大利亚等发达国家通常采用庇护所策略(Refuge),即在Bt作物附近种植20%的非Bt作物作为害虫的庇护所,以提供足够敏感性害虫对抗性基因进行有效稀释,从而延缓抗性产生和发展。我国自1997年开始种植Bt抗虫棉,我国特有的小规模、多样化种植结构使与棉花同时期种植的玉米、大豆、花生、芝麻等其他寄主作物为棉铃虫提供了天然庇护所(Natural refuge)。基于棉花生产的实际情况,我国没有要求农民种植20%的常规棉花作为靶标害虫——棉铃虫的庇护所。但是,天然庇护所是否能延缓Bt抗性一直缺乏评价方法和直接证据。



原文链接: Large-scale test of the natural refuge strategy for delaying insect resistance to transgenic Bt crops.
Lin Jin, Haonan Zhang, Yanhui Lu, Yihua Yang, Kongming Wu, Bruce E Tabashnik&Yidong Wu. Nature Biotechnology, 15 December 2014; doi:10.1038/nbt.3100
原文摘要:The ‘natural refuge strategy” for delaying insect resistance to transgenic cotton that produces insecticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) relies on refuges of host plants other than cotton that do not make Bt toxins. We tested this widely adopted strategy by comparing predictions from modeling with data from a four-year field study of cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) resistance to transgenic cotton producing Bt toxin Cry1Ac in six provinces of northern China. Bioassay data revealed that the percentage of resistant insects increased from 0.93% in 2010 to 5.5% in 2013. Modeling predicted that the percentage of resistant insects would exceed 98% in 2013 without natural refuges, but would increase to only 1.1% if natural refuges were as effective as non-Bt cotton refuges. Therefore, the results imply that natural refuges delayed resistance, but were not as effective as an equivalent area of non-Bt cotton refuges. The percentage of resistant insects with nonrecessive inheritance of resistance increased from 37% in 2010 to 84% in 2013. Switching to Bt cotton producing two or more toxins and integrating other control tactics could slow further increases in resistance.

