
科学家们发现,生活在池塘里的单细胞生物Oxytricha trifallax有一种非凡的能力,它们能在交配时将DNA打碎并快速重排这些片段。这项研究发表在上一期的Cell杂志上。

Oxytricha的基因重排是一个非常精密的过程,“这是大自然早期一种的复杂化尝试,”文章的资深作者,Princeton 大学教授Laura Landweber说。


这项研究中的Oxytricha基因组是通过PacBio单分子测序完成的,Pacific Biosciences公司开发的这一技术可以实现超长的测序读取。

Landweber介绍道,Oxytricha与其它微生物截然不同,Oxytricha细胞大约是人类细胞的十倍大,而且拥有两个细胞核。体细胞核含有5%的遗传信息,有转录活性,负责调节细胞的内部活动。而生殖系细胞核保存着要传递给下一代的全部遗传信息,没有转录活性。研究显示, Oxytricha在发育过程中,能通过大规模的程序化DNA重排,将生殖系细胞核转变为体细胞核。

事实上,Oxytricha交配只是为了交换DNA。在营养充足的时候,Oxytricha主要采取无性繁殖,不断地有新细胞出芽。在营养匮乏的时候,两个Oxytricha发生融合并分享遗传信息(交配),拆散并重排生殖系细胞核的基因和DNA,共同构建拥有一套新染色体的体细胞核。这一过程能让Oxytricha焕发青春活力,也提高了遗传物质的多样性, Landweber说。




The Architecture of a Scrambled Genome Reveals Massive Levels of Genomic Rearrangement during Development

Abstract Programmed DNA rearrangements in the single-celled eukaryote Oxytricha trifallax completely rewire its germline into a somatic nucleus during development. This elaborate, RNA-mediated pathway eliminates noncoding DNA sequences that interrupt gene loci and reorganizes the remaining fragments by inversions and permutations to produce functional genes. Here, we report the Oxytricha germline genome and compare it to the somatic genome to present a global view of its massive scale of genome rearrangements. The remarkably encrypted genome architecture contains >3,500 scrambled genes, as well as >800 predicted germline-limited genes expressed, and some posttranslationally modified, during genome rearrangements. Gene segments for different somatic loci often interweave with each other. Single gene segments can contribute to multiple, distinct somatic loci. Terminal precursor segments from neighboring somatic loci map extremely close to each other, often overlapping. This genome assembly provides a draft of a scrambled genome and a powerful model for studies of genome rearrangement.

