


Stephen DiFazio和Gerald Tuskan等人研究了英属哥伦比亚、华盛顿、俄勒冈和加利福尼亚等四个地区的544棵黑色白杨树的基因组以找出环境是如何通过时间塑造这些树的进化的。研究人员最终确定了397个基因组,这些基因组在不同种群中有着差异,并根据树木近期所处的环境产生了相对变化。这些基因组很可能含有对受气候控制的特性比如树高、温度耐受性和年内关键生长时期的选择等有重要影响的基因。(来源:生物360)

Population genomics of Populus trichocarpa identifies signatures of selection

and adaptive trait associations

Abstract Forest trees are dominant components of terrestrial ecosystems that have global ecological and economic importance. Despite distributions that span wide environmental gradients, many tree populations are locally adapted, and mechanisms underlying this adaptation are poorly understood. Here we use a combination of whole-genome selection scans and association analyses of 544 Populus trichocarpa trees to reveal genomic bases of adaptive variation across a wide latitudinal range. Three hundred ninety-seven genomic regions showed evidence of recent positive and/or divergent selection and enrichment for associations with adaptive traits that also displayed patterns consistent with natural selection. These regions also provide unexpected insights into the evolutionary dynamics of duplicated genes and their roles in adaptive trait variation.

