
摘要 : 中科院动物研究所李孟华研究组在近日的一项以绵羊为研究对象的研究中表明,我们可以鉴定和选择独特的具有良好地方气候适应性的品种或利用分子辅助育种方法培育出独特的适应某一特定气候环境的品种,这些品种将具有适应未来气候变化的独特遗传特性。这项研究成果于2014年9月23日在线发表于《Molecular Biology and Evolution》。





以上研究成果于9月23日在线发表于molecular Biology and Evolution。吕锋骅博士论文的第一作者,李孟华研究员为通讯作者。该研究得到了中国科学院“百人计划”和国家自然科学基金的资助。芬兰、瑞士、澳大利亚、意大利和埃及的科学家参加了该项目的研究。Science Daily等新闻媒体对该工作进行了报道。


Adaptations to Climate-Mediated Selective Pressures in Sheep

Feng-Hua Lv, Saif Agha, Juha Kantanen, Licia Colli, Sylvie Stucki,James W. Kijas, Stéphane Joost, Meng-Hua Li, and Paolo Ajmone Marsan

Following domestication, sheep (Ovis aries) have become an essential farmed animals across the world through adaptation to a diverse range of environments and varied production systems. Climate-mediated selective pressure has shaped phenotypic variation and has left genetic “footprints” in the genome of breeds raised in different agro-ecological zones. Unlike numerous studies that have searched for evidence of selection using only population genetics data, here, we conducted an integrated co-analysis of environmental data with SNP variation. By examining 49,034 SNPs from 32 old, autochthonous sheep breeds that are adapted to a spectrum of different regional climates, we identified 230 SNPs with evidence for selection that is likely due to climate-mediated pressure. Among them, 189 (82%) showed significant correlation (P ≤ 0.05) between allele frequency and climatic variables in a larger set of native populations from a worldwide range of geographic areas and climates. Gene ontology analysis of genes co-located with significant SNPs identified 17 candidates related to GTPase regulator and peptide receptor activities in the biological processes of energy metabolism and endocrine and autoimmune regulation. We also observed high linkage disequilibrium and significant extended haplotype homozygosity (EHH) for the core haplotype TBC1D12-CH1 of TBC1D12. The global frequency distribution of the core haplotype and allele OAR22_18929579-A showed an apparent geographic pattern and significant (P ≤ 0.05) correlations with climatic variation. Our results imply that adaptations to local climates have shaped the spatial distribution of some variants and they are candidates to underpin adaptive variation in sheep.

