菊黄东方鲀俗称“满天星”(图A),隶属鲀形目、东方鲀科,在亚洲有着悠久的食用历史和极高的经济价值,也是我国重要的河鲀养殖品种之一。科研人员依托中科院海洋所自主构建的海洋生物基因资源平台和超算平台,独立完成了菊黄东方鲀(Takifugu flavidus)全基因组的测序、拼装及分析,利用SOLiD 4第二代高通量测序仪测序得到总长度76.0 Gb的序列,并创新性地采用“辅助拼接”策略拼接获得scaffolds 50,947条(scaffold N50为305,741 bp)。
该项研究积累了东方鲀属鱼类的遗传背景资料,为深度发掘海洋动物功能基因、开展蛋白功能的高效验证分析奠定了基础。相关研究结果在DNA Research发表。
Draft Sequencing and Analysis of the Genome of Pufferfish Takifugu flavidus
Yang Gao, Qiang Gao, Huan Zhang, Lingling Wang,Fuchong Zhang, Chuanyan Yang and Linsheng Song
The pufferfish Takifugu flavidus is an important economic species due to its outstanding flavour and high market value. It has been regarded as an excellent model of genetic study for decades as well. In the present study, three mate-pair libraries of T. flavidus genome were sequenced by the SOLiD 4 next-generation sequencing platform, and the draft genome was constructed with the short reads using an assisted assembly strategy. The draft consists of 50,947 scaffolds with an N50 value of 305.7 kb, and the average GC content was 45.2%. The combined length of repetitive sequences was 26.5 Mb, which accounted for 6.87% of the genome, indicating that the compactness of T. flavidus genome was approximative with that of T. rubripes genome. A total of 1,253 non-coding RNA genes and 30,285 protein-encoding genes were assigned to the genome. There were 132,775 and 394 presumptive genes playing roles in the colour pattern variation, the relatively slow growth and the lipid metabolism, respectively. Among them, genes involved in the microtubule-dependent transport system, angiogenesis, decapentaplegic pathway and lipid mobilization were significantly expanded in the T. flavidus genome. This draft genome provides a valuable resource for understanding and improving both fundamental and applied research with pufferfish in the future.