遗传发育所在Plant Cell揭示番茄与病原菌互作的分子机制

摘要 : 中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所李传友实验室揭示,植物激素脱落酸(ABA)介导的气孔关闭和茉莉酸(JA)/COR介导的气孔重新开张的分子机制,并发现番茄与病原菌的互作过程中的气孔张开和关闭的分子调控机制。这一发现对于人们深入理解植物--病原菌互作机理以及植物--病原菌共进化过程具有重要意义。相关文章发表于2014年7月8日的《The Plant Cell》杂志上。






该研究结果已于2014年7月8日在线发表于The Plant Cell 。李传友实验室的博士后杜敏敏是该论文的共同第一作者。该研究得到中国科学院战略性先导专项和国家自然科学基金委的资助。


Closely Related NAC Transcription Factors of Tomato Differentially Regulate Stomatal Closure and Reopening during Pathogen Attack

Minmin Du, Qingzhe Zhai, Lei Deng, Shuyu Li, Hongshuang Li,Liuhua Yan, Zhuo Huang, Bao Wang, Hongling Jiang, Tingting Huangc,Chang-Bao Li, Jianing Wei, Le Kang, Jingfu Li and Chuanyou Li

To restrict pathogen entry, plants close stomata as an integral part of innate immunity. To counteract this defense, Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato produces coronatine (COR), which mimics jasmonic acid (JA), to reopen stomata for bacterial entry. It is believed that abscisic acid (ABA) plays a central role in regulating bacteria-triggered stomatal closure and that stomatal reopening requires the JA/COR pathway, but the downstream signaling events remain unclear. We studied the stomatal immunity of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and report here the distinct roles of two homologous NAC (for NAM, ATAF1,2, and CUC2) transcription factors, JA2 (for jasmonic acid2) and JA2L (for JA2-like), in regulating pathogen-triggered stomatal movement. ABA activates JA2 expression, and genetic manipulation of JA2 revealed its positive role in ABA-mediated stomatal closure. We show that JA2 exerts this effect by regulating the expression of an ABA biosynthetic gene. By contrast, JA and COR activate JA2L expression, and genetic manipulation of JA2L revealed its positive role in JA/COR-mediated stomatal reopening. We show that JA2L executes this effect by regulating the expression of genes involved in the metabolism of salicylic acid. Thus, these closely related NAC proteins differentially regulate pathogen-induced stomatal closure and reopening through distinct mechanisms.

