
摘要 : 每种生物都有一个共同的目标:生存。它的所有体细胞都在协同工作,以保持它活着。它们是通过微调的沟通手段而达成目的的。联合柏林和剑桥大学,卢森堡大学的卢森堡系统生物医学中心(LCSB)的科学家首次揭示细胞信号从周围环境转换为内部信号的规律。就像一支管弦乐队的一个孤立的音符,细胞的一个孤立信号处于次要性的地位。



“重要的是,该信号从细胞膜传递到细胞的强度和频率的相对变化,”这项研究的领导者、LCSB的Alexander Skupin博士说,这项研究发表于《science Signaling》杂志上。

通过使空气振动,一支管弦乐队的乐器从而产生信号——音符。在细胞内,钙离子负责携带信号。当来自于环境的一片信息——比如一个生物信使——与细胞的外膜相遇,细胞内的钙离子被释放。在那里,钙离子控制各种适应过程。“乍一看,并没有简单的离子冲动模式,” Skupin解释;“但它们在细胞内仍然以一种有意义的反应达到高潮,就像一个特定基因的激活。”

为了确定这一现象的潜在规律,研究人员结合成像技术和数学方法,研究人类肾细胞和大鼠肝细胞。他们发现,钙冲动的强度和频率经历了极端的变化——都发生在细胞-内部和细胞-细胞之间。因此,它们所传达的信息不能被孤立的信号单独分析进行解释。“这就像在一个乐团,在那里自己学习孤立的音符不容许有任何旋律的结果,”Skupin延续了音乐的比喻。 “你必须听听所有仪器的频率和音量如何变化,以及产生旋律。然后你获得了音乐作品的印象。”

现在,研究人员首次成功地通过倾听细胞的交流而获得这样一整个印象。他们发现,钙冲动的过多变化导致彼此相对于一个特定的关系中:外部的刺激不会导致钙冲动的绝对增长,恰恰相反的是它们发生时的频率有了变化——音乐厅中,交响曲中的仪器的音符会上升和下降。“这种模式是导致细胞反应的实际信号,” Skupin说。“我们的分析已经对此提供了解释。”

“这些结果对于分析疾病很重要,” LCSB的主任鲁迪·巴林教授说。“我们知道,在帕金森病中,神经细胞中的钙平衡被破坏,并怀疑细胞之间的错误通信可能在神经退行性疾病的发病中发挥作用。随着这些通信的基本规律的发现,如Alexander Skupin,他的团队和我们的合作伙伴现在已经实现了,我们在帕金森病的分析中迈进了重要的一步。”


Reliable Encoding of Stimulus Intensities Within Random Sequences of Intracellular Ca2+ Spikes

Kevin Thurley, Stephen C. Tovey, Gregor Moenke, Victoria L. Prince, Abha Meena, Andrew P. Thomas, Alexander Skupin, Colin W. Taylor and Martin Falcke

Ca2+ is a ubiquitous intracellular messenger that regulates diverse cellular activities. Extracellular stimuli often evoke sequences of intracellular Ca2+ spikes, and spike frequency may encode stimulus intensity. However, the timing of spikes within a cell is random because each interspike interval has a large stochastic component. In human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells and rat primary hepatocytes, we found that the average interspike interval also varied between individual cells. To evaluate how individual cells reliably encoded stimuli when Ca2+ spikes exhibited such unpredictability, we combined Ca2+ imaging of single cells with mathematical analyses of the Ca2+spikes evoked by receptors that stimulate formation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3). This analysis revealed that signal-to-noise ratios were improved by slow recovery from feedback inhibition of Ca2+ spiking operating at the whole-cell level and that they were robust against perturbations of the signaling pathway. Despite variability in the frequency of Ca2+ spikes between cells, steps in stimulus intensity caused the stochastic period of the interspike interval to change by the same factor in all cells. These fold changes reliably encoded changes in stimulus intensity, and they resulted in an exponential dependence of average interspike interval on stimulation strength. We conclude that Ca2+ spikes enable reliable signaling in a cell population despite randomness and cell-to-cell variability, because global feedback reduces noise, and changes in stimulus intensity are represented by fold changes in the stochastic period of the interspike interval.

