
摘要 : 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院的一项研究发现,如果在整个欧洲实施免耕农业实践,可能将夏季的极端高温降低至多2摄氏度。相关文章发表于2014年6月23日的《PNAS》杂志上。


为了研究在欧洲气候下全面转换为免耕管理的潜在影响,Edouard L. Davin及其同事测量了耕作和免耕农田的反照率,并且使用这些结果为可能的温度变化建模。




Preferential cooling of hot extremes from croplandalbedo management

Edouard L. Davin, Sonia I. Seneviratne, Philippe Ciais, Albert Olioso and Tao Wang

Changes in agricultural practICEs are considered a possible option to mitigate climate change. In particular, reducing or suppressing tillage (no-till) may have the potential to sequester carbon in soils, which could help slow global warming. On the other hand, such practices also have a direct effect on regional climate by altering the physical properties of the land surface. These biogeophysical effects, however, are still poorly known. Here we show that no-till management increases the surface albedo of croplands in summer and that the resulting cooling effect is amplified during hot extremes, thus attenuating peak temperatures reached during heat waves. Using a regional climate model accounting for the observed effects of no-till farming on surface albedo, as well as possible reductions in soil evaporation, we investigate the potential consequences of a full conversion to no-till agriculture in Europe. We find that the summer cooling fromcropland albedo increase is strongly amplified during hot summer days, when surface albedo has more impact on the Earth’s radiative balance due to clear-sky conditions. The reduced evaporation associated with the crop residue cover tends to counteract the albedo-induced cooling, but during hot days thealbedo effect is the dominating factor. For heatwave summer days the local cooling effect gained from no-till practice is of the order of 2 °C. The identified asymmetric impact of surface albedo change on summer temperature opens new avenues for climate-engineering measures targeting high-impact events rather than mean climate properties.

