


玉米授粉后的前几天对产量的影响十分关键,但是我们对之了解甚少。内布拉斯加大学的植物科学家Brian Larkins和多所大学的研究团队一道对这一阶段进行了研究,返现了多个基因和很多分子参与了这一过程,为将来有一天特别是在逆境如干旱条件下提高产量打下了基础。他们的研究发现发表在美国科学院院报上。


研究团队在亚利桑那大学Ramin Yadegari实验室的激光解剖显微镜的帮助下将特定的细胞从组织样品中分离出来。在授粉后最初几天的不同时间,研究团队寻找胚乳中的mRNAs。然后对mRNA进行测序,研究人员可以推断出生成它们的基因。mRNA的出现表明基因在其作用。





论文链接:Temporal patterns of gene expression in developing maize endosperm identified through transcriptome sequencing


Endosperm is a filial structure resulting from a second fertilization event in angiosperms. As an absorptive storage organ, endosperm plays an essential role in support of embryo development and seedling germination. The accumulation of carbohydrate and protein storage products in cereal endosperm provides humanity with a major portion of its food, feed, and renewable resources. Little is known regarding the regulatory gene networks controlling endosperm proliferation and differentiation. As a first step toward understanding these networks, we profiled all mRNAs in the maize kernel and endosperm at eight successive stages during the first 12 d after pollination. Analysis of these gene sets identified temporal programs of gene expression, including hundreds of transcription-factor genes. We found a close correlation of the sequentially expressed gene sets with distinct cellular and metabolic programs in distinct compartments of the developing endosperm. The results constitute a preliminary atlas of spatiotemporal patterns of endosperm gene expression in support of future efforts for understanding the underlying mechanisms that control seed yield and quality.
