佛罗里达大学园艺系招博士后 Horticultural Sciences Department Requires a Postdoctoral Fellow

This position is under the supervision of a horticulturist. The successful candidate will manage a project to
optimize water and nutrient management of vegetable crops using seepage and center pivot irrigation systems,
by participating in the design and establishment of field and greenhouse experiments, organizing and
implementing the experiments, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting the research results, and writing

Duties and responsibilities:
• Design and manage research experiments
• Take readings on experimental plots as needed
• Perform statistical analysis on results
• Analyze results and develop charts
• Draft research reports and peer-reviewed manuscripts
• Update horticultural researcher on work developments
• Help other technicians with field tasks as requested

Required Qualifications and Experience
• A recent PhD in field crop physiology, soil science, hydrology, or a closely rated field
• A record of publication in peer-reviewed journals
• Experience in field crops such as potato and snap bean
• Experience in lab procedures and equipment, including using AQ2 Discrete Analyzer
• Experience in related research equipment (e.g., moisture sensors, Dataloggers, rain gauges, leaf area
meter, chlorophyll content meter)
• Experience with statistical software (e.g., SAS) and ability to perform statistical analyses
• A high degree of independence and ability to work under minimal supervision
• Excellent oral and written communication skills
• Excellent interpersonal skills

$ 32,000 per annum plus benefits
To apply for this position, please send a letter of application, a current resume and the names, addresses,
telephone numbers and email addresses of three current professional academic references to Dr. G. David Liu
by email at guodong@ufl.edu by May 31, 2014.

Starting date:
As soon as a suitable candidate is identified.
We thank all applicants for their interest but wish to advise that only those selected for an interview will be
contacted. Job postings are intended for recruitment purposes only and should not be construed as official
university job descriptions.

1253 Fifield Fall
PO Box 110690
Gainesville, FL 32611
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
Horticultural Sciences Department
