
摘要 : 由英国谢菲尔德大学领导的一个国际研究组通过对Timema cristinae竹节虫进行研究确定,进化的某些方面既能预测也可重复。相关文章发表于2014年5月16日的《Science》杂志上。


Víctor Soria-Carrasco及其同事对Timema cristinae竹节虫进行了研究,这种竹节虫在美国加利福尼亚州为适应不同环境条件已经演变出了2种生态型——或物种的不同变体。

竹节蟲在其寄主植物上休息。图片来源:Moritz Muschick

他们首先对这些生态型的基因组进行了测序——这些生态型的竹节虫已经适应于植物Adenostoma fasciculatum或是植物Ceanothus spinosus——并将它们进行比较以观察这些生态型的环境是如何影响其基因组的。





Stick Insect Genomes Reveal Natural Selection’s Role in Parallel Speciation

Víctor Soria-Carrasco, Zachariah Gompert, Aaron A. Comeault, Timothy E. Farkas,Thomas L. Parchman, J. Spencer Johnston, C. Alex Buerkle, Jeffrey L. Feder, Jens Bast,Tanja Schwander, Scott P. Egan, Bernard J. Crespi, Patrik Nosil

Natural selection can drive the repeated evolution of reproductive isolation, but the genomic basis of parallel speciation remains poorly understood. We analyzed whole-genome divergence between replicate pairs of stick insect populations that are adapted to different host plants and undergoing parallel speciation. We found thousands of modest-sized genomic regions of accentuated divergence between populations, most of which are unique to individual population pairs. We also detected parallel genomic divergence across population pairs involving an excess of coding genes with specific molecular functions. Regions of parallel genomic divergence in nature exhibited exceptional allele frequency changes between hosts in a field transplant experiment. The results advance understanding of biological diversification by providing convergent observational and experimental evidence for selection’s role in driving repeatable genomic divergence.

