
摘要 : 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园植物分子生物学研究组在拟南芥里鉴定了一个GL1的同源基因MYB82,研究表明,MYB82是WD40/bHLH/MYB调控复合物中的一个成员蛋白。相关文章发表于2014年5月6日的《Journal of Experimental Botany》杂志上。


表皮毛的起始和形成受到细胞内基因的程序性调控。目前的研究表明,由三个不同基因家族蛋白形成的WD40/bHLH/MYB调控复合物是调控表皮毛起始和形成的关键因子,其中任何一个蛋白功能的缺失都会导致植物无法形成表皮毛。GL1(GLABROUS 1)和GL3(GLABROUS 3)分别是拟南芥中调控表皮毛形成的一个MYB基因和一个bHLH基因,它们各自的功能缺失都会导致植物产生光滑的叶片。



该研究成果已经在JouRNAl of Experimental Botany上在线发表。研究由国家青年科学基金资助完成。


MYB82 functions in regulation of trichome development in Arabidopsis

Gang Liang, Hua He, Yang Li, Qin Ai and DIQiu Yu

Trichome initiation and patterning are controlled by the TTG1–bHLH–MYB regulatory complex. Several MYB transcription factors have been determined to function in trichome development via incorporation into this complex. This study examined the role of MYB82, an R2R3-MYB transcription factor, in Arabidopsis trichome development. MYB82 was revealed to be a nuclear-localized transcription activator. Suppression of MYB82 function by fusion with a dominant repression domain (SRDX) resulted in glabrous leaves, as did overexpression of N-terminal-truncated MYB82. Overexpression of MYB82 genomic sequence, but not its cDNA sequence, led to reduced trichome numbers. Further investigation indicated that at least one of the two introns in MYB82 is essential to the protein’s trichome developmental function. An MYB-binding box was identified in the third exon of MYB82, which was inferred to be crucial for MYB82 function because the mutation of this box interfered with the ability of MYB82 to rescue the gl1 mutant. Protein interaction analysis revealed that MYB82 physically interacts with GLABRA3 (GL3). In addition, MYB82 and GL1 can form homodimers and heterodimers at R2R3-MYB domains, which may explain why their overexpression reduces trichome numbers. These results demonstrate the functional diversification of MYB82 and GL1 in trichome development.

