
摘要 : 中国科学院武汉植物园与英国John Innes Centre 合作,通过突变体的筛选,发现CDKC;2虽为正向转录延伸因子P-TEFb复合体的激酶亚基,却对拟南芥开花时间重要调控基因FLC的转录表现为抑制作用。相关文章发表于2014年5月5日的《PNAS》杂志上。

中国科学院武汉植物园与英国John Innes Centre 合作,通过突变体的筛选,发现CDKC;2虽为正向转录延伸因子P-TEFb复合体的激酶亚基,却对拟南芥开花时间重要调控基因FLC的转录表现为抑制作用。相关文章发表于2014年5月5日的《PNAS》杂志上。


长链非编码rna(long noncoding RNA, lncRNA)一般指长度大于200个核苷酸的非编码RNA,目前已在多种生物中发现了大量lncRNA,然而只有少数lncRNA的精细作用机理被阐明。

中国科学院武汉植物园汪志伟博士在植物种群遗传学科组王艇研究员支持和中国科学院留学基金资助下,与英国John Innes Centre 的Caroline Dean教授合作,通过突变体的筛选,发现CDKC;2虽为正向转录延伸因子P-TEFb复合体的激酶亚基,却对拟南芥开花时间重要调控基因FLC的转录表现为抑制作用。





Antisense-mediated FLC transcriptional repression requires the P-TEFb transcription elongation factor

Zhi-Wei Wang, Zhe Wu, Oleg Raitskin, Qianwen Sun and Caroline Dean

The functional significance of noncoding transcripts is currently a major question in biology. We have been studying the function of a set of antisense transcripts called COOLAIR that encompass the whole transcription unit of the Arabidopsis floral repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC). Alternative polyadenylation of COOLAIR transcripts correlates with different FLC sense expression states. Suppressor mutagenesis aimed at understanding the importance of this sense–antisense transcriptional circuitry has identified a role for Arabidopsis cyclin-dependent kinase C (CDKC;2) in FLC repression. CDKC;2 functions in an Arabidopsis positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb) complex and influences global RNA polymerase II (Pol II) Ser2 phosphorylation levels. CDKC;2 activity directly promotes COOLAIR transcription but does not affect an FLC transgene missing the COOLAIR promoter. In the endogenous gene context, however, the reduction of COOLAIR transcription by cdkc;2 disrupts a COOLAIR-mediated repression mechanism that increases FLC expression. This disruption then feeds back to indirectly increase COOLAIRexpression. This tight interconnection between sense and antisense transcription, together with differential promoter sensitivity to P-TEFb, is central to quantitative regulation of this important floral repressor gene.

