
摘要 : 北京大学生物动态光学成像中心黄岩谊、汤富酬课题组利用微流控芯片技术实现了高质量单细胞的全转录组测序样品准备,全面提高了单细胞全转录组分析的准确性和可靠性。相关文章发表于2014年4月29日的《PNAS》杂志上。

2014年4月29日,生物动态光学成像中心黄岩谊、汤富酬课题组在《美国科学院院刊》(PNAS)上发表题为Microfluidic single-cell whole-transcriptome sequencing的论文。该研究利用微流控芯片技术实现了高质量单细胞的全转录组测序样品准备,全面提高了单细胞全转录组分析的准确性和可靠性。





黄岩谊博士同时任北京大学工学院教授,汤富酬博士同时任北京大学生命科学学院研究员。黄岩谊组博士后Aaron Streets博士、赵亮博士和研究生张先念为论文的主要作者。这一工作得到了国家科技部973计划、863计划、国家自然科学基金委及霍英东教育基金会的资助。


Microfluidic single-cell whole-transcriptome sequencing

Aaron M. Streets, Xiannian Zhang, Chen Cao, Yuhong Pang, Xinglong Wu, Liang Xiong,Lu Yang, Yusi Fu, Liang Zhao, Fuchou Tang and Yanyi Huang

Single-cell whole-transcriptome analysis is a powerful tool for quantifying gene expression heterogeneity in populations of cells. Many techniques have, thus, been recently developed to perform transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq) on individual cells. To probe subtle biological variation between samples with limiting amounts of RNA, more precise and sensitive methods are still required. We adapted a previously developed strategy for single-cell RNA-Seq that has shown promise for superior sensitivity and implemented the chemistry in a microfluidic platform for single-cell whole-transcriptome analysis. In this approach, single cells are captured and lysed in a microfluidic device, where mRNAs with poly(A) tails are reverse-transcribed into cDNA. Double-stranded cDNA is then collected and sequenced using a next generation sequencing platform. We prepared 94 libraries consisting of single mouse embryonic cells and technical replicates of extracted RNA and thoroughly characterized the performance of this technology. Microfluidic implementation increased mRNA detection sensitivity as well as improved measurement precision compared with tube-based protocols. With 0.2 M reads per cell, we were able to reconstruct a majority of the bulk transcriptome with 10 single cells. We also quantified variation between and within different types of mouse embryonic cells and found that enhanced measurement precision, detection sensitivity, and experimental throughput aided the distinction between biological variability and technical noise. With this work, we validated the advantages of an early approach to single-cell RNA-Seq and showed that the benefits of combining microfluidic technology with high-throughput sequencing will be valuable for large-scale efforts in single-cell transcriptome analysis.

