
摘要 : 美国和澳大利亚的研究人员在新研究中表明,在1995至2012年间,美国中西部玉米带的玉米产量一直在增加,但该作物对干旱的敏感性似乎也在增加。相关文章发表于2014年5月2日的《Science》杂志上。

据David Lobell及其同事的一项新的研究披露,在1995至2012年间,美国中西部玉米带的玉米产量一直在增加,但该作物对干旱的敏感性似乎也在增加。



在一则相关的《观点栏目》文章中,Donald Ort 和 Stephen Long指出了这一发现对美国未来农业的影响;美国农业目前支持全球玉米出口量的一半。


Greater Sensitivity to Drought Accompanies Maize Yield Increase in the U.S. Midwest

David B. Lobell, Michael J. Roberts, Wolfram Schlenker, Noah Braun, Bertis B. Little,Roderick M. Rejesus, Graeme L. Hammer

A key question for climate change adaptation is whether existing cropping systems can become less sensitive to climate variations. We use a field-level data set on maize and soybean yields in the central United States for 1995 through 2012 to examine changes in drought sensitivity. Although yields have increased in absolute value under all levels of stress for both crops, the sensitivity of maize yields to drought stress associated with high vapor pressure deficits has increased. The greater sensitivity has occurred despite cultivar improvements and increased carbon dioxide and reflects the agronomic trend toward higher sowing densities. The results suggest that agronomic changes tend to translate improved drought tolerance of plants to higher average yields but not to decreasing drought sensitivity of yields at the field scale.

