Science:二氧化碳浓度上升 土壤微生物分解碳速度加快


为了弄清楚这一情况,Kees van Groenigen等人对50多个二氧化碳富集实验的结果进行了检查并用一个土壤碳循环模型来解读它们。在草原、森林及农田的研究中,他们发现,二氧化碳的富集会增加土壤中碳的分解,其速度大致与通过植物腐烂而加回土壤碳的速度相同。van Groenigen及其同事对发生这些事件的过程中的某些进行了讨论。



Faster Decomposition Under Increased Atmospheric CO2 Limits Soil Carbon Storage

Kees Jan van Groenigen, Xuan Qi, Craig W. Osenberg, YIQi Luo, and Bruce A. Hungate

Soils contain the largest pool of terrestrial organic carbon (C) and are a major source of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Thus, they may play a key role in modulating climate change. Rising atmospheric CO2 is expected to stimulate plant growth and soil C input but may also alter microbial decomposition. The combined effect of these responses on long-term C storage is unclear. Combining meta-analysis with data assimilation, we show that atmospheric CO2enrichment stimulates both the input (+19.8%) and the turnover of C in soil (+16.5%). The increase in soil C turnover with rising CO2 leads to lower equilibrium soil C stocks than expected from the rise in soil C input alone, indicating that it is a general mechanism limiting C accumulation in soil.

标签: 二氧化碳 土壤微生物 北亚利桑那大学

