

微生物所杨克迁课题组经过潜心研究,发现天蓝色链霉菌能够感应来源于委内瑞拉链霉菌产生的抗生素——杰多霉素(jadomycin B,JdB)信号,引起气生菌丝提前分化和十一烷基灵菌红素产生等一系列生理行为;并证明对种间JdB信号的感应和传导是通过受体ScbR2介导的一个复杂的调控网络实现的;该调控网络包含了一个由ScbR2-AdpA-RedD构成的前馈调控回路(feed-forward loop),该调控回路可以感应JdB浓度变化、对不同浓度做出不同的生理响应。


相关文章发表在PNAS;文章发表后立即被Faculty of 1000推荐。该工作在杨克迁研究员的指导下,由王为善助理研究员,季俊杰博士和李肖同学等完成,受到基金委重点和科技部973项目的资助。


Angucyclines as signals modulate the behaviors of Streptomyces coelicolor

Weishan Wang, Junjie Ji, Xiao Li,Juan Wang, Shanshan Li, Guohui Pan,Keqiang Fan, and Keqian Yang

The angucycline antibiotic jadomycin B (JdB) produced by Streptomyces venezuelae has been found here to induce complex survival responses in Streptomyces coelicolor at subinhibitory concentration. The receptor for JdB was identified as a “pseudo” gamma-butyrolactone receptor, ScbR2, which was shown to bind two previously unidentified target promoters, those of redD (redDp) and adpA (adpAp), thus directly regulating undecylprodigiosin (Red) production and morphological differentiation, respectively. Because AdpA also directly regulates the expression of redD, ScbR2, AdpA, and RedD together form a feed-forward loop controlling both differentiation and Red production phenotypes. Different signal strengths (i.e., JdB concentrations) were shown to induce the two different phenotypes by modulating the relative transcription levels of adpA vs. redD. The induction of morphological differentiation and endogenous antibiotic production by exogenous antibiotic exemplifies an important survival strategy more sophisticated than the induction of antibiotic resistance.

标签: 天蓝色链霉菌 角蒽环抗生素 微生物种群相互作用

