中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所研究员王怿、朱怀诚和徐洪河等长期以来与英国学者J. Marshall、C.Berry以及C. Wellman等进行志留纪—泥盆纪植物化石以及生物地层学等方面的合作研究,近年来也在新疆、云南等地开展了一系列的地层古生物学野外考察工作,采集并分析了大量岩石与化石样品。近日,该国际团队的研究成果之一发表在国际古植物学期刊Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology上。
Xu, H.-H., Marshall, J.E.A., Wang, Y., Zhu, H.-C., Berry, C.M., Wellman, C.H
Devonian spores were systematically studied from four sections (251 Hill, G217 Highway, Hujiersite and Gannaren) in West Junggar, North Xinjiang, China. All four sections belong to, or are equivalent to, the Upper Member of the Hujiersite Formation, from which abundant plant macrofossils have also been reported. These spores enable us, for the first time, to date these fossil plant beds as from late Emsian to Frasnian in age. The plant localities are all from a Devonian volcanic terrain and have a lycopsid-dominant flora. These lycopsid plants have near global Devonian distributions and are hence the most mobile elements among the contemporary floras. In the upper part of the sequence (Givetian/Frasnian) very rare progymnosperms (both spores and some megafossils) were found. The West Junggar shows a different palynological asseMBLage from that of the East Junggar and is palaeogeographically significant.
标签: 准噶尔盆地古植物