


从远处看,叶片的顶部看上去像一个无缝整合的表面;然而,近距离看,光滑的外表事实上是由许多种形状和大小不同的细胞混杂组成的。感兴趣的是这些细胞如何分别呈现它们自身独特的形状,加州理工学院生物学家Elliot Meyerowitz,博士后学者 Arun Sampathkumar及其同事寻找扁平细胞中准确地形状控制因子,这是在有花植物叶片上发现的迷惑的上皮细胞。它们发现这些罕见形状是细胞对微管细胞骨架机械压力的响应,这种蛋白导管担任一种细胞内支架。这些微管定向指引细胞壁组分的沉积,从而提供结构支架。




Subcellular and supracellular mechanical stress prescribes cytoskeleton behavior in Arabidopsis cotyledon pavement cells

Arun Sampathkumar, Pawel Krupinski, Raymond Wightman, PASCale Milani, Alexandre Berquand, Arezki Boudaoud, Olivier Hamant, Henrik Jönsson, Elliot M Meyerowitz

Although it is a central question in biology, how cell shape controls intracellular dynamics largely remains an open question. Here, we show that the shape of Arabidopsis pavement cells creates a stress pattern that controls microtubule orientation, which then guides cell wall reinforcement. Live-imaging, combined with modeling of cell mechanics, shows that microtubules align along the maximal tensile stress direction within the cells, and atomic force microscopy demonstrates that this leads to reinforcement of the cell wall parallel to the microtubules. This feedback loop is regulated: cell-shape derived stresses could be overridden by imposed tissue level stresses, showing how competition between subcellular and supracellular cues control microtubule behavior. Furthermore, at the microtubule level, we identified an amplification mechanism in which mechanical stress promotes the microtubule response to stress by increasing severing activity. These multiscale feedbacks likely contribute to the robustness of microtubule behavior in plant epidermis.

标签: 细胞骨架 微管 扁平细胞 拟南芥

