

蚊子可以作为多类病毒的天然宿主及传播媒介,但与此同时,病毒感染对蚊子的生理功能及寿命没有显著影响。因此人们推测在蚊子中应存在一个复杂而完善的抗病毒免疫体系,能有效限制病毒的感染及避免病毒对宿主生理功能的破坏。目前人们对昆虫抗病毒机制了解甚少,根据生物体免疫系统“复杂性”和“多样性”的特点,我们认为在昆虫体内应该存多种免疫系统用于抵御病毒的感染。在该部分中,程功课题组利用比较基因组学、反向遗传学及生物化学实验方法在埃及伊蚊中鉴定出一套基于补体因子的新型抗病毒免疫系统。该系统可识别并有效抑制登革热病毒 (Dengue virus) 及黄热病病毒 (Yellow Fever virus) 在埃及伊蚊体内的感染增殖,首次在昆虫中证明昆虫补体免疫系统具有显著的抗病毒功能。

在该项研究中,程功研究组首先在埃及伊蚊中鉴定出一种人类补体因子C3的同源蛋白——巨球蛋白相关补体因子 (AaMCR) 具有明显的抗病毒功能;随后,研究团队对该补体系统进行了深入研究,鉴定出埃及伊蚊补体系统利用一种昆虫特有的清道夫受体 (AaSR-C) 作为模式识别受体识别病毒并诱导抗病毒短肽 (AMPs) 的表达,具体抗病毒机制描述如下:(1) 在埃及伊蚊血淋巴细胞(昆虫主要的免疫细胞) 表面的AaSR-C蛋白作为模式识别受体识别病毒颗粒;(2) AaSR-C结合补体因子AaMCR,从而形成一个“补体蛋白-病毒”复合体;(3)“补体蛋白-病毒”复合体激活下游信号通路产生大量的抗病毒短肽;(4) 抗病毒短肽杀灭病毒 (如图所示)。




Complement-Related Proteins Control the Flavivirus Infection of Aedes aegyptiby Inducing Antimicrobial Peptides

Xiaoping Xiao, Yang Liu, Xiaoyan Zhang, Jing Wang, Zuofeng Li, Xiaojing Pang, Penghua Wang, Gong Cheng

The complement system functions during the early phase of infection and directly mediates pathogen elimination. The recent identification of complement-like factors in arthropods indicates that this system shares common ancestry in vertebrates and invertebrates as an immune defense mechanism. Thioester (TE)-containing proteins (TEPs), which show high similarity to mammalian complement C3, are thought to play a key role in innate immunity in arthropods. Herein, we report that a viral recognition cascade composed of two complement-related proteins limits the flaviviral infection of Aedes aegypti. An A. aegypti macroglobulin complement-related factor (AaMCR), belonging to the insect TEP family, is a crucial effector in opposing the flaviviral infection of A. aegypti. However, AaMCR does not directly interact with DENV, and its antiviral effect requires an A. aegypti homologue of scavenger receptor-C (AaSR-C), which interacts with DENV and AaMCR simultaneously in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, recognition of DENV by the AaSR-C/AaMCR axis regulates the expression of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), which exerts potent anti-DENV activity. Our results both demonstrate the existence of a viral recognition pathway that controls the flaviviral infection by inducing AMPs and offer insights into a previously unappreciated antiviral function of the complement-like system in arthropods.

标签: 病毒感染 昆虫补体系统 埃及伊蚊

