北大在Plant Cell揭示茉莉素拮抗乙烯在顶端弯钩形成中的作用机理




生命科学学院郭红卫课题组2012年的工作揭示了赤霉素与乙烯协同调控顶端弯钩的形成机制(An et al., 2012. Cell Research),发现了HLS1是乙烯信号通路核心转录因子EIN3/EIL1的直接靶基因,为解释多种激素调节顶端弯钩形成的机制奠定了基础。


因此高剂量的茉莉素处理最终导致植物幼苗中EIN3/EIL1功能显著下降,从而使得HLS1基因无法表达,表达为顶端弯钩的缺失。本项工作研究成果于2014年3月26 日在Plant Cell在线发表,张兴与朱自强为文章的共同第一作者。本研究得到了国家自然科学基金委、北京大学蛋白质与植物基因研究国家重点实验室和北大-清华生命科学联合中心的资助。


Jasmonate-Activated MYC2 Represses ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 Activity to Antagonize Ethylene-Promoted Apical Hook Formation in Arabidopsis

Xing Zhang, ZIQiang Zhu, Fengying An, Dongdong Hao,Pengpeng Li, Jinghui Song, Chengqi Yi and Hongwei Guo

The apical hook is an essential structure that enables epigeal plants to protrude through the soil. Arabidopsis thaliana HOOKLESS1 (HLS1) is reported to be a key regulator of hook development and a direct target gene of the ethylene (ET)-activated transcription factors ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 (EIN3) and its close homolog EIN3-Like1. Previous research has shown that the phytohormones jasmonate (JA) and ET antagonistically regulate apical hook development, although the underlying molecular mechanism is largely unknown. Here, we report that JA represses hook formation by reducing HLS1 expression. Our results further reveal that the JA-activated transcription factor MYC2 represses EIN3 function to reduce HLS1 expression through at least the following two layers of regulation: (1) MYC2 binds to the promoter of an F-box gene, EIN3 BINDING F-BOX PROTEIN1, to induce its expression and thus promote EIN3 degradation; and (2) MYC2 physically interacts with EIN3 and inhibits its DNA binding activity. Collectively, our findings shed light on the molecular mechanism underlying the antagonism between JA and ET during apical hook development and provide insight into the coaction of multiple phytohormones in the regulation of plant growth and development.

标签: EIN3/EIL1 顶端弯钩形成 MYC2 茉莉素拮抗乙烯

