

梁婉琪课题组通过对水稻突变体dwt1的研究,发现位于水稻一号染色体上的WOX类基因DWT1(DWARF TILLER1)在突变后会导致水稻分蘖节间不同程度缩短,从而引起分蘖明显矮化、穗变小,而主茎高度无显著变化且穗变大,类似于顶端优势加强的表型。





DWARF TILLER1, a WUSCHEL-Related Homeobox Transcription Factor, Is Required for Tiller Growth in Rice

Wenfei Wang, Gang Li, Jun Zhao, Huangwei Chu, Wenhui Lin, DABIng Zhang, Zhiyong Wang, Wanqi Liang

Unlike many wild grasses, domesticated rice cultivars have uniform culm height and panicle size among tillers and the main shoot, which is an important trait for grain yield. However, the genetic basis of this trait remains unknown. Here, we report that DWARF TILLER1 (DWT1) controls the developmental uniformity of the main shoot and tillers in rice (Oryza sativa). Mostdwt1 mutant plants develop main shoots with normal height and larger panicles, but dwarf tillers bearing smaller panicles compared with those of the wild type. In addition, dwt1 tillers have shorter internodes with fewer and un-elongated cells compared with the wild type, indicating that DWT1 affects cell division and cell elongation. Map-based cloning revealed that DWT1encodes a WUSCHEL-related homeobox (WOX) transcription factor homologous to theArabidopsis WOX8 and WOX9. The DWT1 gene is highly expressed in young panicles, but undetectable in the internodes, suggesting that DWT1 expression is spatially or temporally separated from its effect on the internode growth. Transcriptomic analysis revealed altered expression of genes involved in cell division and cell elongation, cytokinin/gibberellin homeostasis and signaling in dwt1 shorter internodes. Moreover, the non-elongating internodes of dwt1 are insensitive to exogenous gibberellin (GA) treatment, and some of the slender rice1(slr1) dwt1 double mutant exhibits defective internodes similar to the dwt1 single mutant, suggesting that the DWT1 activity in the internode elongation is directly or indirectly associated with GA signaling. This study reveals a genetic pathway synchronizing the development of tillers and the main shoot, and a new function of WOX genes in balancing branch growth in rice.

标签: 基因DWT1 水稻顶端优势现象 同源异型框基因 水稻穗整齐生长中

