




相关研究成果发表在Behavioral Ecology and SocioBioLogy上。


Preferences and tradeoffs in nectar temperature and nectar concentration in the Asian hive bee Apis cerana

Ken Tan, Tanya Latty, Zongwenu Hu, Zhengwei Wang, Shuang Yang, Weiweng Chen, Benjamin P. Oldroyd

Honey bee foragers need to asses and make trade-offs between a number of potentially conflicting floral attributes. Here, we investigate multi-attribute decision making in the eastern honey bee, Apis cerana, when foraging on food sources that varied in warmth and sucrose concentration. We show that foragers prefer warm (30 °C) sucrose solution over cool (10 °C) sucrose solution and concentrated (30 % w/w) sucrose solution over dilute (15 % w/w) sucrose solution. When we offered the preferred sucrose concentration (30 % w/w) at the less-preferred temperature (10 °C), and the less-preferred sucrose concentration (15 % w/w) at the preferred temperature (30 °C), foragers prioritized warmth by choosing the warmer, but lower concentration solution. When the temperature difference was less extreme, bees preferred more concentrated cooler syrup (30 % ww at 15 °C over 15 % 30 °C). However, the addition of a decoy item to the choICE set had a significant effect on the bees' preferences. Our results highlight the critical importance of considering context effects when measuring the foraging preferences of animals.

标签: 食物决策权 蜜蜂 花蜜

作者:中科院 点击:次
