武汉植物园利用酵母合成白桦脂酸 避免对植物资源的严重依赖

中国科学院武汉植物园天然产物合成生物学学科组利用酵母合成白桦脂酸,该研究成果革新了白桦脂酸的合成方式,可避免对植物资源的严重依赖。相关文章发表于《Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology》杂志上。

白桦脂酸(betulinic acid,简称BA)是一种五环三萜类化合物,其衍生物具有显著的抗肿瘤和抗艾滋病毒的活性,在合适浓度下对黑色瘤细胞具有专一的杀死作用,而对于人体正常体细胞无任何副作用,更为重要的是近期白桦酯酸衍生物抗HIV二期临床实验已经取得成功,因此,白桦酯酸目前已被认为是最具潜力的药物先导化合物之一。




该研究成果革新了白桦脂酸的合成方式,可避免对植物资源的严重依赖,相关结果已在国际学术期刊Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 上在线发表。


Increase of betulinic acid production inSaccharomyces cerevisiae by balancing fatty acids and betulinic acid forming pathways

Jing Li, Yansheng Zhang

Betulinic acid is a plant-based triterpenoid that has been recognized for its antitumor and anti-HIV activities. The level of betulinic acid in its natural hosts is extremely low. In the present study, we constructed betulinic acid biosynthetic pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by metabolic engineering. Given the betulinic acid forming pathways sharing the common substrate acetyl-CoA with fatty acid synthesis, the metabolic fluxes between the two pathways were varied by changing gene expressions, and their effects on betulinic acid production were investigated. We constructed nine S. cerevisiae strains representing nine combinations of the flux distributions between betulinic acid and fatty acid pathways. Our results demonstrated that it was possible to improve the betulinic acid production in S. cerevisiae while keeping a desirable growth phenotype by optimally balancing the carbon fluxes of the two pathways. Through modulating the expressions of the key genes on betulinic acid and fatty acid pathways, the difference in betulinic acid yield varied largely in the range of 0.01–1.92 mg L−1 OD−1. The metabolic engineering approach used in this study could be extended for synthesizing other triterpenoids in S. cerevisiae.

标签: 酵母 植物资源 白桦脂酸

作者:中科院 点击:次
