东北地理所在Plos one报道与大豆发育相关联基因GmFT4
中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所大豆分子设计育种重点实验室夏正俊研究组继成功克隆了大豆生育期基因E1后,在E1基因的作用机理研究方面取得了新的进展,发现了一个与E1表达相关联的基因GmFT4。相关文章发表于2014年2月19日的《PLoS ONE》杂志上。

东北地理所在PLOS one报道与大豆发育相关联基因GmFT4
GmFT4, a Homolog of FLOWERING LOCUS T, Is Positively Regulated by E1 and Functions as a Flowering Repressor in Soybean
Hong Zhai,Shixiang Lü,Shuang Liang,Hongyan Wu,Xingzheng Zhang,Baohui Liu,Fanjiang Kong,Xiaohui Yuan,Jing Li,Zhengjun Xia
The major maturity gene E1 has the most prominent effect on flowering time and photoperiod sensitivity of soybean, but the pathway mediated by E1 is largely unknown. Here, we found the expression of GmFT4, a homolog of Flowering Locus T, was strongly up-regulated in transgenic soybean overexpressing E1, whereas expression of flowering activators, GmFT2a andGmFT5a, was suppressed. GmFT4 expression was strongly up-regulated by long days exhibiting a diurnal rhythm, but down-regulated by short days. Notably, the basal expression level of GmFT4 was elevated when transferred to continous light, whereas repressed when transferred to continuous dark. GmFT4 was primarily expressed in fully expanded leaves. Transcript abundance of GmFT4 was significantly correlated with that of functional E1, as well as flowering time phenotype in different cultivars. Overexpression of GmFT4 delayed the flowering time in transgenic Arabidopsis. Taken together, we propose that GmFT4 acts downstream of E1 and functions as a flowering repressor, and the balance of two antagonistic factors (GmFT4 vs GmFT2a/5a) determines the flowering time of soybean.