PLOS Genetics:一种简单方法获得噬菌体基因组

西班牙米格尔·埃尔南德斯大学的研究人员最近发现一种获得噬菌体基因组的新方法。由此发现超过1000种海洋病毒的遗传序列,为海洋病毒知识做出了一定的贡献。相关文章发表于2013年12月12日的《PLOS genetics》杂志上。

PLOS Genetics:一种简单方法获得噬菌体基因组


由西班牙米格尔·埃尔南德斯大学的微生物学教授Francisco Rodríguez Valera带领的研究团队,发现了一种方法可以绕开纯粹培养带来的限制,来获得噬菌体的基因组。他们从正在遭受活性病毒攻击的自然环境中,获取了大量insert clones(fosmids)。这使得研究人员能够将海洋噬菌体基因组的数量放大三倍,同样也可以应用到其它生境中,能够更好地理解地球上这些数量最大和最鲜为人知的生物体。




研究人员从阿里坎特沿海50米深处取得海水,构建了fosmid文库。采用Illumina PE进行测序。通过这种方法,研究人员发现了208种新的海洋噬菌体。这些基因组的多样性非常显著,产生了21个尾噬菌体基因组群,其中有10个是全新的。以测序为基础的方法,使寄主能够分配到很多这些组群中。这些预测的寄主,代表着多种多样的重要海洋原核微生物,像蓝藻细菌(Cyanobacteria)SAR11和SAR116分枝,还有新描述的低GC放线菌(Actinobacteria)。


Expanding the Marine Virosphere Using Metagenomics

Carolina Megumi Mizuno, Francisco Rodriguez-Valera, Nikole E. Kimes, Rohit Ghai

Viruses infecting prokaryotic cells (phages) are the most abundant entities of the biosphere and contain a largely uncharted wealth of genomic diversity. They play a critical role in the biology of their hosts and in ecosystem functioning at large. The classical approaches studying phages require isolation from a pure culture of the host. Direct sequencing approaches have been hampered by the small amounts of phage DNA present in most natural habitats and the difficulty in applying meta-omic approaches, such as annotation of small reads and assembly. Serendipitously, it has been discovered that cellular metagenomes of highly productive ocean waters (the deep chlorophyll maximum) contain significant amounts of viral DNA derived from cells undergoing the lytic cycle. We have taken advantage of this phenomenon to retrieve metagenomic fosmids containing viral DNA from a Mediterranean deep chlorophyll maximum sample. This method allowed description of complete genomes of 208 new marine phages. The diversity of these genomes was remarkable, contributing 21 genomic groups of tailed bacteriophages of which 10 are completely new. Sequence based methods have allowed host assignment to many of them. These predicted hosts represent a wide variety of important marine prokaryotic microbes like members of SAR11 and SAR116 clades, Cyanobacteria and also the newly described low GC Actinobacteria. A metavirome constructed from the same habitat showed that many of the new phage genomes were abundantly represented. Furthermore, other available metaviromes also indicated that some of the new phages are globally distributed in low to medium latitude ocean waters. The availability of many genomes from the same sample allows a direct approach to viral population genomics confirming the remarkable mosaicism of phage genomes.
