牛津大学动物学系的Owen Lewis博士指导了这项研究,他说:“在植物世界里,近亲属是坏邻居。靠近相同物种植物生长的幼苗更容易死亡,现在我们知道了这其中的原因。长期以来,研究人员怀疑是土壤中的一些东西引起了这种现象,现在我们证实,真菌起着至关重要的作用。我们惊讶的发现,微小的真菌,能够对整个热带雨林产生如此深远的影响。
谢菲尔德大学的Rob Freckleton教授共同指导了这项研究,他说:“我们预料,将真菌和昆虫都去除后,会对树种产生影响。然而,令人没想到的是,去除真菌影响了多样性,但是去除昆虫却不会。我们的这项研究是第一次揭开了不同天敌的影响。”
埃克塞特大学的Sarah Gurr教授(以前在牛津大学工作)说:“卵菌是强有力的病原体,可导致种子和幼苗的腐烂,是1840年马铃薯大饥荒的原因。为了弄清它们是否也在促进热带雨林生物多样性中发挥作用,我们用黄金霜疫霉病试验(Ridomil Gold®,保护植物对抗卵菌)喷洒试验样区。我们发现,Ridomil Gold®对现有物种的数量没有显著的影响,这表明,是真正的真菌而不是卵菌,推动了热带雨林的多样性。”
本文的第一作者Robert Bagchi博士在牛津大学开始了这项研究,并在苏黎世联邦理工学院完成该研究,他说:“我们怀疑,在更潮湿和更热的地区,真菌的作用最强,因为在那里它们生长繁茂。这对‘雨林将如何应对气候变化(常常被预测来降低总体降雨,使真菌更难传播)’具有重要的意义。如果没有真菌约束物种,我们可以看到显著的连锁效应,会失去许多的多样性,而正是多样性才使热带森林如此的特别。”
Pathogens and insect herbivores drive rainforest plant diversity and composition
Robert Bagchi, Rachel E. Gallery, Sofia Gripenberg, Sarah J. Gurr, Lakshmi Narayan, Claire E. Addis, Robert P. Freckleton & Owen T. Lewis
Tropical forests are important reservoirs of biodiversity, but the processes that maintain this diversity remain poorly understood. The Janzen–Connell hypothesis suggests that specialized natural enemies such as insect herbivores and fungal pathogens maintain high diversity by elevating mortality when plant species occur at high density (negative density dependence; NDD). NDD has been detected widely in tropical forests, but the prediction that NDD caused by insects and pathogens has a community-wide role in maintaining tropical plant diversity remains untested. We show experimentally that changes in plant diversity and species composition are caused by fungal pathogens and insect herbivores. Effective plant species richness increased across the seed-to-seedling transition, corresponding to large changes in species composition. Treating seeds and young seedlings with fungicides significantly reduced the diversity of the seedling assemblage, consistent with the Janzen–Connell hypothesis. Although suppressing insect herbivores using insecticides did not alter species diversity, it greatly increased seedling recruitment and caused a marked shift in seedling species composition. Overall, seedling recruitment was significantly reduced at high conspecific seed densities and this NDD was greatest for the species that were most abundant as seeds. Suppressing fungi reduced the negative effects of density on recruitment, confirming that the diversity-enhancing effect of fungi is mediated by NDD. Our study provides an overall test of the Janzen–Connell hypothesis and demonstrates the crucial role that insects and pathogens have both in structuring tropical plant communities and in maintaining their remarkable diversity.