Nature Genetics:韩国首次完成辣椒高质量参照基因组测序
最近,韩国首尔国立大学的一个科学家团队完成了针对辣椒的首次高质量参照基因组测序。相关文章发表于2014年1月19日的《Nature genetics》杂志上。
Nature Genetics:韩国首次完成辣椒高质量参照基因组测序
Genome sequence of the hot pepper provides insights into the evolution of pungency in Capsicumspecies
Seungill Kim, Minkyu Park, Seon-In Yeom, Yong-Min Kim, Je Min Lee, Hyun-Ah Lee,Eunyoung Seo, Jaeyoung Choi, Kyeongchae Cheong, Ki-Tae Kim, Kyongyong Jung, Gir-Won Lee, Sang-Keun Oh, Chungyun Bae, Saet-Byul Kim, Hye-Young Lee, Shin-Young Kim,Myung-Shin Kim, Byoung-Cheorl Kang, Yeong Deuk Jo, Hee-Bum Yang, Hee-Jin Jeong,Won-Hee Kang, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Chanseok Shin et al.
Hot pepper (Capsicum annuum), one of the oldest domesticated crops in the Americas, is the most widely grown spice crop in the world. We report whole-genome sequencing and assembly of the hot pepper (Mexican landrace of Capsicum annuum cv. CM334) at 186.6× coverage. We also report resequencing of two cultivated peppers and de novo sequencing of the wild species Capsicum chinense. The genome size of the hot pepper was approximately fourfold larger than that of its close relative tomato, and the genome showed an accumulation of Gypsy and Caulimoviridae family elements. Integrative genomic and transcriptomic analyses suggested that change in gene expression and neofunctionalization of capsaicin synthase have shaped capsaicinoid biosynthesis. We found differential molecular patterns of ripening regulators and ethylene synthesis in hot pepper and tomato. The reference genome will serve as a platform for improving the nutritional and medicinal values of Capsicum species.