
玉米Opaque2(O2)基因突变显著影响籽粒胚乳中蛋白体形成、淀粉含量、氨基酸组成等,其中赖氨酸含量提高使营养品质大幅度提升。本研究通过回交转育的方法构建了17份糯玉米o2近等基因系,对籽粒表型、种皮厚度、百粒重和粗淀粉含量等性状分析,发现与对照相比,16个近等基因系籽粒明显皱缩、胚乳变为粉质;6个近等基因系种皮厚度增加;11个近等基因系百粒重显著降低;12个近等基因系籽粒粗淀粉含量显著降低。由此表明o2基因的导入对糯玉米籽粒表型、产量、淀粉含量等主要起负调控作用,但是影响程度与导入背景密切相关。 英文摘要: The mutation of Opaque2 (O2) significantly affect protein body formation, starch content, and amino acid composition in the endosperm of maize kernels, and the increasing of lysine content significantly improves nutrition quality. Through the backcrossing scheme, we constructed near isogenic lines of 17 waxy maize backgrounds with the o2 mutation gene. By analyzing the trait of the kernel, including appearance, pericarp thickness, 100-kernel weight and crude starch content, we found that the kernels of 16 near isogenic lines were shrunken significantly and their endosperm changed to opaque obviously compared to the controls. Pericarp thickness of 6 lines increased, and the 100-kernal weight of 11 lines decreased significantly, crude starch content of 12 lines decreased significantly. It indicated that the introduction of o2 mutant gene mainly have a negative effect on kernel appearance, yield and crude starch content with waxy maize, but the degree of influence is related to maize background.