
本研究以54个玉米自交系为材料,利用20%PEG-6000溶液对苗期进行干旱胁迫,考察株高、根冠比等9个指标。通过主成分分析筛选指标,再利用隶属函数法计算出综合抗旱值D,依D值对它们的耐旱性进行评价和聚类分析。主要结果为:K186、K123等7个自交系与郑58聚为一类,属于抗旱自交系;K121、K182等25个自交系与昌7-2聚为一类,为中等抗旱自交系;K101、G2490等20个自交系聚为一类,为干旱敏感型自交系。研究结果可为这些自交系在玉米抗旱育种中的利用提供参考依据。 英文摘要: In this study, 54 maize inbred lines were used as materials, and 20% PEG-6000 solution was used for drought stress at the seedling stage, and 9 indicators such as plant height and root-shoot ratio were investigated. Indexes were selected by principal component analysis, and then the comprehensive drought resistance value D was calculated using the membership function method, and their drought tolerance was evaluated and clustered according to the D value. The main results are: 7 inbred lines such as K186 and K123 are grouped with Zheng 58 and belong to a drought-resistant inbred line; 25 inbred lines such as K121 and K182 are grouped with Chang 7-2 and are a moderate drought-resistant self Inbred lines; 20 inbred lines such as K101 and G2490 are grouped into one class, and they are drought-sensitive inbred lines. The results can provide reference for the utilization of these inbred lines in maize drought-resistant.