
种质资源创新在玉米育种中发挥着重要作用,而人工诱变是种质资源创新的一个重要途经。本研究利用0.5 mg?L-1 EMS诱变玉米自交系K22及B73花粉,构建了2 206个株系不同遗传背景的玉米突变体库,并从M2和M3后代筛选到了包括株型、叶型、叶色、育性、抗逆、表皮形态建成等表型变异的一系列突变体,重点阐述了具有育种应用潜能的E16、E199和W594突变材料,可供用于选育矮秆、低穗位,耐密植抗倒伏型新品种。此外,对调控植物表皮形态建成的E88和sep-1 (smooth epidermal pavement cell lobes-1) 突变体,进行了表皮形态、发育模式鉴定及遗传学分析,后续已经构建了F2:3分离群体,将对调控表皮形态建成的候选基因进行克隆。本研究不仅为玉米种质创新及分子育种创制提供了EMS诱变方法和浓度参考,更重要的是获得了选育新品种的稳定遗传材料、也为拓宽玉米基因组学研究提供基因资源。 英文摘要: Maize germplasm resource innovation plays an important role in maize breeding and artificial mutagenesis is an important method of crop germplasm resource innovation. In this study, a maize mutant library with 2 206 maize mutant libraries was constructed by mutagenesis of corn inbred line B73 and K22 pollen, which was treated with 0.5 mg?L-1 ethyl methanesulfonate solution (EMS). A series of mutants with phenotypic variation including plant type, leaf type, leaf color, fertility, resistance and epidermal morphogenesis, were screened from M2 and M3 progeny. The E16, E199 and W594 mutants with potential breeding application were mainly described which could be used for breeding new varieties of dwarf, low-ear and high density and lodging resistance dense-tolerant. In addition, epidermal morphological and developmental pattern identification and genetic analysis were performed on E88 and sep-1 (smooth epidermal pavement cell lobes-1) mutants regulating epidermal morphogenesis of plants. Subsequently, F2:3 isolates population were constructed and candidate genes regulating epidermal morphogenesis will be clone by mapping. This study will provide a method and dose reference of EMS mutagenesis for the creation of new germplasm resources of different maize inbred lines, and more important, it provide stable genetic materials for the selection and breed of new maize varieties, it also provides genetic resources for expanding the study of maize genomics.