
以不同熟期夏玉米品种为研究对象,建立淮北平原玉米主产区不同熟期夏玉米品种吐丝后有效积温与籽粒含水率预测模型,结合气象数据,确定不同熟期夏玉米品种适宜籽粒机收的合理播期与收获期。结果表明,播期越早,产量越高;中熟品种产量显著高于早熟品种,但早熟品种籽粒脱水速率快于中熟品种。早熟与中熟品种籽粒含水率降至28%所需有效积温分别为873.0℃和943.9℃,降至25%分别为914.1℃和992.3℃。为保证籽粒机收与丰产,6月5日左右种植中熟品种,收获期为10月1日左右,81.8%的年份可以保证籽粒机收;播期推迟至6月15日左右,种植早熟品种,10月5日左右收获,72.7~90.9%的年份可以保证籽粒机收。因此,对于降水时空分布不匀的安徽主产区淮北平原,为保证籽粒机收,需将品种与环境合理搭配,形成 “以土壤墒情定播期,以播种日期定品种”的思路,保证籽粒机收与丰产稳产。 英文摘要: Field experiments were carried out to investigate the relationship between grain moisture content and effective accumulated temperature of different hybrids in the main production areas of the Huaibei Plain. Combining with meteorological data to determine the suitable planting and harvesting dates which suitable for machine. The results showed that the earlier the sowing date, the higher the yield, and the yield of the middle-maturing hybrid was significantly higher than that of the early-maturing hybrid, but the grain dehydration rate of the early-maturing hybrid was faster than that of the middle-maturing hybrid. The effective accumulated temperatures required to of the early and middle-maturing hybrids are 873.0 ° C and 943.9 ° C, respectively, and to the targeted 25% moisture content are 914.1 ° C and 992.3 ° C, respectively. In order to ensure the mechanical grain harvest and high yield, when the middle maturing hybrid are planted at June 5th, and the harvest period is about October 1st, 81.8% of the year can guarantee the machine grain harvesting. When the planting date postponed to June 15th, the early-maturing hybrids are planted, and the harvesting date around October 5th, 72.7-90.9% of the year can guarantee the grain machine harvest. Therefore, due to the uneven distribution precipitation in the main production area of ??Anhui province, in order to ensure the mechanical grain harvest and higher yield, the hybrid must be reasonably matched with the environment to form the new cultivation idea of ??"plating date is determined by soil moisture, variety is sown by planting date